Author Topic: I’m being professionally canceled for my moral stance on trans butchery  (Read 216 times)

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I’m being professionally canceled for my moral stance on trans butchery

By Jordan B. Peterson
Published Sep. 5, 2023

Recently, the College of Psychologists in Ontario ordered Jordan B. Peterson — a clinical psychologist, professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto and best-selling author — to undergo “professional coaching.” His sin? Tweeting opinions the college deemed “unbecoming of a psychologist.” Here, Peterson explains to The Post what he said, why he was right — and why it was imperative he speak out.

I am likely to soon lose my license to practice as a clinical psychologist in my home province of Ontario, in the Canada whose historically prosaic internal politics should by all reasonable standards still be off the international radar.

Why? A variety of charges have been brought against me by the administrative board granted government mandate to protect the public from misbehavior on the part of the practitioners of my profession.

What are those charges — pertaining to attitudes and actions that have caused unproven harm to others and brought disgrace upon the practice of psychotherapy itself — all brought forward, by the way, by individuals who were never my clients?

Two stem from criticisms I levied directly against the current leader of Canada, one Justin Trudeau, now recognized by a majority of the inhabitants of this frigid and sparsely inhabited land as the worst Prime Minister in this country’s history.

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The one that truly riled the woke censors, however, was a criticism of the trans “gender affirmation” surgery that has now become all too commonplace.

What did I say, that resulted first in my suspension from Twitter itself and now the inquisition?

“Remember when Pride was a sin, and Ellen Page just had her breasts removed by a criminal physician?”

Was this a political opinion, too, a mere example of my “right to free speech,” my right to shoot my mouth off, however hedonistically and impulsively, as I see fit?

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