Author Topic: Electric car in Florida catches fire after being flooded during Hurricane Idalia, firefighters say  (Read 1238 times)

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Electric car in Florida catches fire after being flooded during Hurricane Idalia, firefighters say

 A Tesla that was parked near the ocean and was being towed following Hurricane Idalia’s surge in the Tampa Bay region was destroyed by flames Thursday, the Pinellas Park Fire Department said.

While the official cause of the inferno is unknown, firefighters said the electric vehicle was submerged along the coast in Pinellas County, raising suspicions that salt water likely played a role.

During previous weather events where water has compromised batteries, electric vehicles have erupted into flames that require an extensive response by firefighters.

"We sprayed about 200 gallons per minute at the car, and it took us about 45 minutes to extinguish," the fire department said..............
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