Author Topic: Illinois School District Fires Teacher Who Claims to Be a Satanist and Suffers From Psychosis  (Read 232 times)

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Illinois School District Fires Teacher Who Claims to Be a Satanist and Suffers From Psychosis

AUGUST 21, 2023

The author of an article on Libs of TikTok was doing what Libs of TikTok normally does, which is looking for social media posts from Leftists that bear testimony not only to their mindset but their goals. The author found posts by Kris Martin, who was an elementary school teacher in Homer Glen, Ill. Aside from the Satanic imagery, Martin also claims to have bipolar I disorder accompanied by mania and psychosis. The author of the piece collected some of the posts, which you can see below.

The author also found a Facebook cover photo from Martin’s account of what is likely a shot from a movie. At least, I hope it is, as it shows a young woman soaked with blood. From the photo, she appears to be dying or was just recently killed. A pair of bloody hands is in the foreground. The picture is available in the original article here.

Users of X wanted to know more about Martin and how this person ended up as an elementary teacher at the school. According to Libs of TikTok, the district originally turned off the comments and deleted its social media posts regarding Martin. However, the Superintendent announced that there would be an investigation. At a meeting this past Sunday, the school board voted to terminate Martin. Libs of TikTok raises the point that the screening process for the 33C school district seems woefully inadequate. I am not familiar with the district’s vetting process, but as we have seen before, conservatives who post on social media are frequently vetted to see if they have even slightly transgressed against the currently accepted social normals. By the photo alone, one may assume that Martin is a biological male. But Martin may identify as a woman or as non-binary. People are free to identify as whatever they choose. Martin’s identity or proclivities are not the issues. Rather, the issue is the statement, “I have done things in conditions of psychosis and mania that have been violent and hurtful. I am not my disease. I am ME! And I know ME! And I LOVE ME!” It is a classic tenet of Satanism: I love me. Satanism mandates selfishness. And in 21st Century America, selfishness is the coin of the realm.

If Martin were truly dedicated to the welfare of children, he would have acknowledged that his condition made him ineligible to be a teacher. But as behavioral standards continue to be adjusted downward, I suspect that more such people will surface in the future. But how does a society that is so heavily invested in not just breaking through boundaries but completely obligating them set any standards? Fortunately, District 33C took the appropriate action. But at the present rate, there will be no such thing as “going too far” in the future. How many instances have there been of violent criminals being set free? Of acts of vandalism and destruction going unacknowledged or even praised?  That future is coming at us at an alarming rate, and in many respects, it is already here.

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