State Chapters > California

DA-recall effort: Bay Area liberals finally see common sense on crime


DA-recall effort:  Bay Area liberals finally see common sense on crime

By Adam B. Coleman   
August 18, 2023

Much as absolute power corrupts absolutely, absolute progressive control corrupts everything.

And California’s Bay Area residents have seen the social rot that occurs when these political succubi are elevated to positions of power.

They’ve watched as San Francisco, a once-vibrant city that attracted people from all over the world, has had its life force drained out of it by irreverent ideologues enamored with policies that validate their belief system — and the people be damned.

But there are signs the ashes of former greatness are birthing a phoenix constructed out of enraged business owners, residents and victims’ families who are taking aim at the indifferent actors in power actively aiding and abetting their home’s destruction.

A grassroots coalition called Save Alameda County For Everyone (SAFE) just filed a notice to recall Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price, citing the rise in crime and lawlessness under her seven-month stint in the county, whose seat is Oakland.

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They don’t “see” anything when it comes to crime

They’re just upset because they’re being impacted by their own policies.

PeteS in CA:
Outside of StereotypeLand, Pamela Price won election by a pretty slim margin, 227438--200795, a 53.11% majority, . So nearly 47% of Alameda County's voters voted against her and are NOT getting what they voted for; very likely, most voted against what they knew would - and has - happen.

Anyway, IIRC, what happened this week was the filing of the official paperwork to begin collecting signatures on recall petitions. They have a time limit in which to gather signatures, and if successful, I'm guessing the election might be California's primary, March 5, 2024.

PeteS in CA:
California ‘Soft on Crime’ District Attorney Pamela Price Faces Recall in November

--- Quote ---Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price could be getting the boot in November. The prosecutor, known for her lenient approach to violent crime, is set to face a recall vote later this month.

The recall effort has gained momentum over the past year due to her policies, which seem to prioritize protecting violent criminals instead of the people they harm. The outcry from the community has been fierce, which could spell trouble for the embattled DA.

--- Quote ---The Alameda County Board of Supervisors selected the November general election for the date when voters will decide whether to recall Democratic District Attorney Pamela Price.

The board of supervisors voted 3-0 during a meeting on Tuesday to set the recall vote for Nov. 5 rather than a special election after the recall effort was confirmed during a previous meeting.

Supporters of Price had pushed for the recall vote to be held on the same day as the general election, hoping high voter turnout could help her survive the bid to oust her. Those supporting the recall had advocated that the vote be held sooner, separate from the general election.
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The decision to schedule the recall as part of the November general election was probably just due to $$$. Opposition to Price is pretty broad-based in Oakland, IYKWIM.


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