Author Topic: Nikki Fried's Campaign to 'Take Back Florida' Produces Hilarious Results  (Read 1754 times)

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Nikki Fried's Campaign to 'Take Back Florida' Produces Hilarious Results

By Bonchie
August 18, 2023

There's a pretty good argument that Nikki Fried was one of the biggest goats of the 2022 election. The far-left Florida Democrat, whose supposed popularity was almost completely evidenced by her social media following, was supposed to be a rising star. She was supposed to take on the evil Ron DeSantis and bring about a blue revolution within the Sunshine State.

Instead, she got blown out in her own primary by Charlie Crist, a venerable walking stump of a politician. Crist then went on to lose in historic fashion to DeSantis, and what followed was the most conservative legislative sessions in the state's history. Nearly every GOP want at the national level became law in Florida.

With that as the setup, the Democratic Party had a choice to make. Would they recalibrate and pursue a different, perhaps more broadly appealing path? Or would they double down on leftwing failure?

Well, Nikki Fried is now the chair of the Florida Democratic Party, so I think that question has been answered. How's that going? Here's how that's going.

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