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Comments From Supporters of EPA’s New Power Plant Rule


Comments From Supporters of EPA’s New Power Plant Rule
5 hours ago Guest Blogger 11 Comments

Francis Menton

My last post highlighted two lengthy comments submitted to EPA by groups of states critical of the agency’s recently-proposed “Power Plant Rule.” (EPA’s official title: “New Source Performance Standards for GHG Emissions from New and Reconstructed EGUs; Emission Guidelines for GHG Emissions from Existing EGUs; and Repeal of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule.” ). The Rule seeks to eliminate, or nearly so, all greenhouse gas emissions from electric power plants, by some time in the 2030s. The comments that I highlighted delve into substantial technical detail, giving serious reasons why EPA’s proposed transformation of the country’s electricity generation system is unlikely to work and poses severe risks to the people’s electricity supply.

What about on the other side? Are there any comments on the proposed Rule that are supportive of the Rule, and that even contend that its restrictions on use of fossil fuels to generate electricity should be made more stringent, and/or advanced in time? The answer is that there are many such comments.

But how do these supportive comments deal with the problems identified in the critical comments? What do they say about risks to the reliability of electricity supply, or about the potential for greatly increased costs? The answer, as far as I can determine, is that they can’t be bothered addressing such issues.

I’ll freely admit that I haven’t attempted to read all the comments, of which there are now some 618. Rather, I have sought out a few from groups that appeared likely to be supportive of the Rule. So here are three such comments: one from something calling itself the U.S. Healthcare Climate Council; a second from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; and a third from a consortium of healthcare groups in Wisconsin described as “American Academy of Pediatrics – Wisconsin Chapter, Cream City Medical Society, Healthy Climate Wisconsin, et al.”

Smokin Joe:

--- Quote ---Greenhouse gas emissions accelerate climate change, which poses a serious threat to American’s health and well-being. . . .
--- End quote ---

But what if we are in the onset of a death spiral global cooling era only masked by the limited effects of human contributions to climate change? Then all those emissions might be slowing the effects, not accelerating them.

Asking for a friend...


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