Author Topic: Happy conservative warrior Glenn Youngkin’s recipe for success in Virginia … and the US  (Read 159 times)

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Happy conservative warrior Glenn Youngkin’s recipe for success in Virginia … and the US

By Miranda Devine
August 13, 2023

Imagine New York with a governor who wants to lower the cost of living and grow jobs, fix failing school systems and empower parents, support law enforcement and make our neighborhoods safer, attract more businesses to the state and stop the exodus of New Yorkers, make government work and address the mental health crisis, all while standing for unity and taking the “smashmouth” out of politics.

How nice that would be.

Sadly, it’s a pipe dream in New York, for now, at least.

But in Virginia, it’s the recipe for success for Gov. Glenn Youngkin, and in just 18 months, the rookie politician has started to turn his state around.

The genial former private equity chief executive is living proof that “conservative common sense policies work,” in a state that he sees as a microcosm of America.

In 2021 his soothing mix of gentle optimism and policies focused on the economy, public safety, and “empowering parents,” won him a standout victory in a state that had voted for Joe Biden by 10 points and backed Democrats for two decades.

Uniting the party
While his opponents tried to pigeonhole him as a Trump clone, he subtly distanced himself enough from the former president to win over suburban women who had turned off the GOP, while still winning over deep red counties.

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