Author Topic: Rubicon Crossed: DaTechGuy Endorses Ron DeSantis For President in 2024  (Read 219 times)

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Offline Timber Rattler

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One the most important pf all the virtues is courage, without courage no other virtue can exist. Courage manifests itself in many ways but one of the least appreciated but most important is to see things as they are and be willing to say aloud the truth, even if it’s a painful truth that you wish wasn’t so.

Well it’s time to speak a painful truth to supporters of President Donald Trump.


I have been leaning toward Ron DeSantis for a while, his record of acomplishments in Florida doesn’t need to be reiterated but for the record:

He was one of the first governors to push back at the foolish COVID rules
He has fought the good fight on school reform and education reform
He has fought back on the culture wars protecting children
He has fought back against Woke corporations like Disney one of the most influential donors in the state when everyone (including Trump) advised against it AND WON!
He has fought back on illegal immigration and exposed the left’s false compassion with things like the plane to Martha’s Vineyard and the various Bus Trips.
He has fought back against every media narrative that has been used against him.
He has refused to be intimidated by anyone
Despite incredible pushback he pushed forward voting reforms that made many of the tactics that the left has used to steal elections, tactics that were once common in parts of Florida, practically obsolete.
And just this week he replaced a Soros DA who refused to enforce the law
All of these are positive reasons to endorse him but I’ve held back because I’ve wanted to see how he handles himself on the national stage both in dealing with the incessant attacks from the Trump camp and from the MSM. The national stage is different than a state stage and until I was sure he could stand up under attacks at least as well as Trump I thought I should hold off making a final decision between him and Trump, but something happened last Tuesday , something that reminded me of what I saw at the rise of Scott Brown. Something that Trump supporters won’t like, but need to acknowledge as an unpleasant reality.

I headed off to my mechanic last week to schedule a day for my 1999 Buick LeSabre. He is a one man operation who has been in place for decades with a large and loyal blue collar clientele. He talks to everyone and everyone talks to him.

While I was there the subject of the economy came up. We both bemoaned how things were [In fact while I was tying this paragraph I got a call that a fellow I was giving a lift to work was just laid off.] His other customers say the same. Then he dropped what was a bombshell to me.

We talked about the upcoming election and he told me in no uncertain terms that many of the blue collar voters who frequent the place, voters who had voted for Trump before have told him in no uncertain terms that they were sick of him and would not vote for him, PERIOD. These were folks who didn’t like Biden and commiserated with him at the state of the country under him but still said if Trump was the nominee he doesn’t get their vote. He argued with these folks, bluntly asking: “You mean you’d rather the country go to hell than vote for Trump?” To a man their answer was “Yes”

Again, these were blue collar people, the type of people who elected Scott Brown in 2010, people who supported Trump in the past, people who hated Biden and what he had done to the country but decided they hated Trump or perhaps the circus that comes with him even more.

We talked about how this was crazy, how this was self destructive and that they were screwing themselves but in the end our arguments meant nothing because for these people feelings and emotion trumps reality.

And that when it hit me, if a percentage of the blue collar folks we need to win are saying that in this small auto repair shop I suspect it is being said (or left unsaid) all over the nation.

And thus I return to the bottom line for 2024.

The goal is to win, without the votes of people like this in states that aren’t already deep red we don’t win.

Yeah it’s unfair how Trump has been treated, yes it’s unfair that the last election was stolen from us, yes he did a great job as president and his list of accomplishments are something to sing about, it’s unfair that we have to operate under these circumstances, and it’s unfair that we have to take irrational hatred into consideration when making a choice, but you know what, we’re conservatives and we know Life Isn’t Fair.

We don’t need to like or be liked by these irrational people, we don’t need these people to agree with us, but if we want to win we DO need these people to vote with us come election day 2024.

If they don’t we don’t win, if we don’t win then


I have no idea who this DaTechGuy is, BUT he is absolutely correct, and I'm hearing the same thing from blue collar folks here in Pennsylvania.
aka "nasty degenerate SOB," "worst of the worst at Free Republic," "Garbage Troll," "Neocon Warmonger," "Filthy Piece of Trash," "damn $#%$#@!," "Silly f'er," "POS," "war pig," "neocon scumbag," "insignificant little ankle nipper," "@ss-clown," "neocuck," "termite," "Uniparty Deep stater," "Never Trump sack of dog feces," "avid Bidenista," "filthy Ukrainian," "war whore," "fricking chump," psychopathic POS, and depraved SOB.

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."  ---George Orwell

"If you want peace, prepare for war." ---Flavius Vegetius Renatus