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Electronic Voting Equipment; What you need to know

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Electronic Voting Equipment; what you need to know.

Despite what you may have heard, there is no such thing as secure electronic voting equipment and there is no way it can be made so.

Your local elections authority does not need to physically connect anything to the internet. That ability is now mostly built into the machines and they often don't use protocols we are familiar with to communicate with their controllers.

ALL of them, of necessity, have back door access that can be exploited by people who are not necessarily playing for the home team.

Is that for both voting machines and vote tabulators?


--- Quote from: bigheadfred on August 13, 2023, 01:57:23 pm ---Is that for both voting machines and vote tabulators?

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Absolutely! If they are electronic.

Electronic vote tabulators have the paper ballot as back-up...ask for a manual/hand re-count if in doubt.


--- Quote from: Drago on August 20, 2023, 11:04:01 am ---Electronic vote tabulators have the paper ballot as back-up...ask for a manual/hand re-count if in doubt.

--- End quote ---
Also if possible review the paper ballot before approving your vote.


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