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Geoengineering: Can we dim the sun to avoid climate tipping points?


Geoengineering: Can we dim the sun to avoid climate tipping points?
Story by Chrissy Sexton •
Could dimming the sun's intensity be a potential solution to halting the melting of the West Antarctic ice sheet? A team of researchers from the University of Bern has recently explored this question.

Geoengineering is an intentional and large-scale intervention in the Earth's climate system which has been a controversial topic in climate discussions. Some scientists hope to artificially manipulate the climate in order to cool it.
However, the concept of geoengineering is met with enormous skepticism among experts who believe that the unpredictable outcomes are far too risky.

The latest research was led by Johannes Sutter from the Climate and Environmental Physics Division (KUP) at the University of Bern. The results are published in the journal Nature Climate Change.


Smokin Joe:
Just because you can do something, does not mean it is a good idea.

Without such intervention, the Earth has maintained temperatures within a fairly close range.

Putting a finger on that scale might well tip it in a direction far more hostile to life than its present course, and may well be irreversible within the time it would take for humans (not to mention other species) to survive that recovery. Continuing to abdicate the energy forms which might enable humans to survive, and possibly reverse overdoing such a 'cooling' remedy,virtually guarantees extinction.

Of course, some of the people advocating such 'remedies' for the effects of natural cycles think humans are a virus on the planet that should be eliminated. Others apparently just want fewer humans so they can live it up.  I don't think they can keep their little lifeboats going by themselves.


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