General Category > Climate Change

The earth is boiling? Don't be so ridiculous


The earth is boiling? Don't be so ridiculous

It is time to stand up against the eco-scaremongering of our medieval elites.

by Brendan O'Neill.

And so we have entered a new era. "The era of global warming has ended, the era of global cooking has arrived," UN chief António Guterres declared last week. It's hard to know which is worse: the hubris and arrogance of this globalist official who thinks he has the right to announce the beginning of a whole new era, or the slavish obedience of the media elites who uncritically swallowed his deranged edict about earth's coming heat death.

"The era of global cooking has arrived and it's terrifying,"

headlined the front page of the Guardian, as if Guterres' word were gospel, every utterance of his a divine truth. We urgently need to put a stop to this frenzied talk of a 'boiling' planet.

Guterres issued his neo-papal bull on cooking our world in response to the heat waves that have hit some countries over the past two weeks.

The sky is falling!  The sky is falling! OMGGGGGGG

"Boiling", you say?

Here in SW New England, it's 78F at 6pm.
Was up to 82 earlier.
Downright... pleasant.


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