Author Topic: How to Be a New York Times Reporter  (Read 180 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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How to Be a New York Times Reporter
« on: August 10, 2023, 01:02:52 pm »
How to Be a New York Times Reporter

Ann Coulter
Aug 09, 2023

You probably think the job of a reporter is to report news. How old-fashioned, cis-gendered, white supremacist of you! That's not it at all, certainly not at the august New York Times.

Instead, a reporter's mission is to find out what kind of story would help the Democrats at any particular moment in time, and then write it, no matter how preposterous. Obviously, skills in sophistry and legerdemain are crucial.

Right now, nothing would help the Democratic Party more than somehow blocking Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida from becoming the Republican presidential nominee.

That's a tall order. DeSantis is not only running on 70-30 popular issues, but he's following through by actually enacting those policies -- on everything from immigration to crime, to trans-mania, to anti-white racism. Most spectacularly, he made utter fools of the entire liberal brain trust over COVID.

This cannot stand. There's a whole world of Times readers waiting for Pravda to land on their doorstep every morning to confirm their prejudices.

So what's a liberal lackey to do?

I can now reveal the seven takedown techniques taught to Times reporters on Day One -- before they're even taught that misgendering someone is a fireable offense -- as illustrated by journalists Sharon LaFraniere, Patricia Mazzei and Albert Sun, in a million-word, front-page article on July 23.

1) The Kamikaze Run

Hit a person on his strongest point -- he'll never expect it. If the target's loyal, call him disloyal; if he's consistent, call him inconsistent; if he's honest, call him a liar; if he's good-looking, call him ugly.

And if he performed brilliantly during a global pandemic when almost all other government officials blundered, write an article saying: HEY, GOV! YOUR COVID RESPONSE SUCKED.

*  *  *


Offline goatprairie

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Re: How to Be a New York Times Reporter
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2023, 05:34:51 pm »
Any time a Republican pol makes the news running for president the lib media automatically concocts schemes to attempt to derail him or her.
That's been going on since I was a kid back in the sixties.
Cut taxes and spending? Oh, no what a horrible thought. Spending billions, trillions on gov. social programs always works out for the best. Even though they never work.
Stop giving unconstitutional preferences to pet  racial and genders? Oh, you can't do that...that's RACIST AND SEXIST!!!
More taxes, more spending, more preferences for pet groups, and now more attacks on the people who made America the greatest country in the world, white males.