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DAVID BLACKMON: Is The Green Energy Transition Falling Off The Rails?


DAVID BLACKMON: Is The Green Energy Transition Falling Off The Rails?
Story by David Blackmon •
Is the much-hyped “energy transition” starting to crumble at its foundations now? In recent weeks we have seen the following:

Ford Motor Company warns investors its electric vehicle division will lose $4.5 billion in 2023;
Reports that China has commissioned another 50 GW of new coal-fired electricity generation capacity;
The British government led by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak beginning to back away from absurdly aggressive transition timelines amid public outcry over rising energy bills and other deprivations;

The German government continuing to reactivate mothballed coal plants and facilitating new mining for coal;

The Scottish government forced to admit it has facilitated the felling of 16 million trees in this century to make way for new wind farms;

The Japanese government moving to reinvigorate its own coal-fired power sector;

Global demand for crude oil rapidly growing and outpacing supply growth, surprising all the supposed experts;

The U.S. Department of Energy forced to admit its initial estimate of consumer “savings” from converting from gas stoves to more expensive electric models was grossly overstated.


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