General Category > Climate Change

CO2 Plant Transpiration Reduction Is a 9.1 Factor Larger Global Warming Driver Than CO2 GHG.


CO2 Plant Transpiration Reduction Is a 9.1 Factor Larger Global Warming Driver Than CO2 GHG.
By P Gosselin on 5. August 2023

CO2 is not the big driver.

Solution: Increase Ocean Evaporation (<4% of CO2 Reduction Cost)
By David R. Motes

Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is real and caused by increasing CO2.  However, it is not driven by the prevailing CO2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) theory, but rather by a much larger CO2 induced Plant Transpiration Reduction (PTR).

This PTR is caused by an increased plant Water Use Efficiency (WUE, consensus science) from increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations and is a 9.1 factor larger AGW driver than the CO2 GHG theory.  The proposed ocean evaporation solution below costs <4% of the prevailing Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) solutions and is only ~2% of the US federal budget.  This paper uses only consensus scientific data, facts, and diagrams from CO2 GHG proponent sites such as the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), NASA, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency), and the IEA (International Energy Agency) to make all the calculations presented.  Our paper is only calculations and explanations with no new data or theories.


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