General Category > Climate Change

Continued Major Errors and Misinformation In Seattle Times Climate Stories: Damaging and Unnecessary


Continued Major Errors and Misinformation In Seattle Times Climate Stories: Damaging and Unnecessary.

During the past weeks, profoundly flawed and error-filled stories on climate change have been headlined in the Seattle Times.  Stories that can easily be demonstrated to have serious factual and interpretative errors. 

Stories that grossly misinform Seattle Times readers and work against efforts to mitigate global warming.

Let me demonstrate the problem.

Saturday's front-page story describes how because of urbanization "more than half of Seattle's population resides in areas where daytime temperatures are over 8 degrees hotter than they would be naturally" and nearly 10% are in parts of the city recording an increase of over 12 degrees." 

The figure below was found in the Seattle Times story, and was based on a report from climate advocacy group, Climate Central.  The "angle" of the story is how the growth of the city and loss of trees are greatly warming the environment.


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