Author Topic: Possible 3rd Trump indictment looms after grand jury convenes in Jan. 6 probe  (Read 315 times)

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Possible 3rd Trump indictment looms after grand jury convenes in Jan. 6 probe

The federal grand jury investigating election interference convened Tuesday in Washington D.C., spurring speculation that a possible federal indictment related to the investigation into Jan. 6 against former President Trump may be imminent, Fox News has learned.

Sources told Fox News that the grand jury left the federal courthouse for the day just after 2:00pm on Tuesday afternoon.

Trump's legal team met with Special Counsel Jack Smith and his team in Washington D.C. last week. Sources told Fox News that Trump's legal team was not given any specific timing about a possible indictment, but that they heard nothing suggesting an indictment would not happen at some point.

After the meeting ended last Thursday, the former president posted on his Truth Social account:

"My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail that I did nothing wrong, was advised by many lawyers, and that an Indictment of me would only further destroy our Country," Trump wrote. "No indication of notice was given during the meeting — Do not trust the Fake News on anything!"

Trump, who is leading the 2024 GOP presidential primary field, announced last week that he had received a target letter from the Justice Department, which also asked that he report to the federal grand jury. Trump said he anticipated "an arrest and indictment."...................
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