General Category > Computers

Connecting a Kindle to my laptop to download/read books


Ok,I asked how to do this on a thread whose title I have forgotten,so I am going to start a dedicated thread to see where I went wrong. I think even I will be able to find it if you  ping me to your answers.

Damn chemo-brain!

Here is what I got off the bottom of my  modem:


 Key phrase:


 Admin Password:

 Serial number:

I have copied and pasted each  one (with no blank spaces,of course) to my Kindle,and still can't get it working.

What am I missing?

Smokin Joe:
I don't know, but I'd like to...

"Bottom of your modem" implies your ISP's modem/gateway, so that username/password is used to log into the modem as the "admin"...(something like the address "" in your browser). Your Wi-Fi network has a different username/password...set up by you or the ISP's installer (username = your pet's name?? You car model?? Wife's nickname?? Who knows?  :pondering: )  Your Wi-Fi network name is pretty easy to find...look for the list of nearby Wi-Fi networks on your cell phone or tablet/iPad or computer. Password not so easy to determine...try a few of your favs.  Last resort: hard "reset" of your ISP's modem/gateway and use the modem's default Wi-Fi username/password.

Common modem/gateway/router IP addresses:

Common default modem/gateway/router usernames/passwords:


--- Quote from: Drago on August 06, 2023, 10:47:04 pm ---"Bottom of your modem" implies your ISP's modem/gateway, so that username/password is used to log into the modem as the "admin"...(something like the address "" in your browser). Your Wi-Fi network has a different username/password...set up by you or the ISP's installer (username = your pet's name?? You car model?? Wife's nickname?? Who knows?  :pondering: )  Your Wi-Fi network name is pretty easy to find...look for the list of nearby Wi-Fi networks on your cell phone or tablet/iPad or computer. Password not so easy to determine...try a few of your favs.  Last resort: hard "reset" of your ISP's modem/gateway and use the modem's default Wi-Fi username/password.

Common modem/gateway/router passwords:

Common default modem/gateway/router usernames/passwords:

--- End quote ---



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