Author Topic: Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker Signs Law Allowing DACA Illegal Aliens to Police Americans  (Read 1647 times)

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Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker Signs Law Allowing DACA Illegal Aliens to Police Americans

John Binder 30 Jul 2023

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) has signed into law a plan that allows foreign nationals with work permits, some of whom are illegal aliens, to become police officers in the sanctuary state.

Democrat legislators, with a supermajority in the Illinois House and Senate, passed legislation in June that opens law enforcement jobs to thousands of illegal aliens enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program as well as thousands of other foreign nationals with work permits from the federal government.

“… an individual against whom immigration action has been deferred by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services under the federal DACA process is allowed to apply for the position of police officer, deputy sheriff, or special policeman, subject to specified requirements,” a summary of the legislation states.

Late last week, Pritzker signed the legislation into law which takes effect immediately.

In the sanctuary state of California, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has made it possible for illegal aliens to become police officers on the local, county, and state levels.

The law, implemented earlier this year, requires only that officers have a work permit issued by the federal government. Work permits, specifically under President Joe Biden’s administration, are given out regularly to border crossers and illegal aliens released into the United States after crossing the southern border.
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Chicago Residents Increasingly Turning Against ‘Sanctuary’ Policies as More Illegals Flood Their Neighborhoods

Chicago residents are increasingly turning up at community meetings across the city to express their outrage over City Hall’s so-called “sanctuary” policies that are “welcoming” scores of illegals into their neighborhoods.

Last week, for instance, citizens in the Woodlawn neighborhood gathered to express anger and frustration over the degradation of their neighborhood after a city-sponsored border crosser shelter opened up in the old Wadsworth Elementary School there.

“I would ask you all to go out there — go out there at night, in the middle of the night — and see what goes on,” one woman warned representatives of the Chicago Police Department during the meeting, according to CBS 2 News.

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Americans could soon be arrested by illegal immigrants

American Military News by  Timothy Frudd  August 02, 2023

American citizens could soon be arrested by non-U.S. citizens in Illinois after Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a law that will allow illegal immigrants to become police officers in the state.

After the signing of Illinois House Bill 3751 by the governor on Friday, U.S. citizenship will no longer be a requirement to serve as a police officer in the state of Illinois starting January 1, 2024.

House Bill 3751 states, “An individual who is not a citizen but is legally authorized to work in the United States under federal law is authorized to apply for the position of police officer, subject to all requirements and limitations, other than citizenship, to which other applicants are subject.”


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I am afraid that things are going to get very ugly. I truly fear for my children and grandchildren.
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Great, hire people who cannot obey the law to enforce the law on others, yet may have no allegiance to any of our founding documents or principles.

Done by the same people who hate and want to defund the police because of claimed bias and brutality. Oh but they're DACA!
The Republic is lost.

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