Author Topic: Record Breaking Heatwave In Europe?  (Read 684 times)

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Record Breaking Heatwave In Europe?
« on: July 24, 2023, 09:21:26 am »
Record Breaking Heatwave In Europe?
JULY 22, 2023
By Paul Homewood.

Most of the so-called reporting of the European heatwave seems to have centred around of temperature forecasts, rather than actual ones, along with claims of “records” and images of people enjoying the sun. Factual reporting appears to have taken a holiday!


Take the Telegraph article above, published on 18th July. It begins:

Rome was among several European regions to breach temperature records on Tuesday as a Covid-style protocols were rolled out across Italy to protect its hospitals from the unprecedented heatwave.

A new record was set in the Italian capital when the local weather agency recorded highs of 41.8C (107.2F), beating the previous record set in June last year by 1C.

The European Space Agency said thermometers could tip 48C in Sardinia and Sicily, while the temperatures in Rome and Madrid could both reach the mid to high-40Cs.

In drought-stricken Spain, temperatures were set to reach highs of 44C in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands while the country is in the final throes of an election campaign before Sunday’s vote.


Let’s examine some of these claims more closely:
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Re: Record Breaking Heatwave In Europe?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2023, 10:00:20 pm »
A little closer to home....


"This Northern Hemisphere summer has seen searing, supposedly record high temperatures in France and elsewhere in Europe. According to the mainstream media and climate alarmists, the heat waves are unprecedented and a harbinger of harsh, scorching hot times to come."

"But this is absolute nonsense. In this sixth and final post in the present series, I’ll examine the delusional beliefs that the earth is burning up and may shortly be uninhabitable, and that this is all a result of human-caused climate change. Heat waves are no more linked to climate change than any of the other weather extremes we’ve looked at."


Data doesn't fit the narrative? Ignore or change it.

I'm quite sure the "modeling" used to forecast "scorching hot times to come." resembled weather forecasting. With one difference.
No probabilities given like in a rain forecast. None. 100% all the way.

And garbage in, garbage out.

Been hearing this kind of guff for 40 years. GASP entered the scene in the early 70's when I graduated from college. And it did do some good until it morphed into a moneymaker and power grab.

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Offline Potluck

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Re: Record Breaking Heatwave In Europe?
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2023, 10:04:27 pm »

Group Against Smog and Pollution
"Hell is the impossibility of reason" - Oliver Stone