General Category > Archaeology

Unraveling the Mystery of the Carnac Stones: An Ancient Puzzle of Epic Proportions

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--- Quote from: Hoodat on July 22, 2023, 07:15:46 pm ---

--- End quote ---


I wonder if this is where Johnny Carson got "Carnac,the magician" from?

PeteS in CA:
Calling Eric Von Daniken, calling Eric Von Daniken.

Free Vulcan:
I am a believer that humans have been far more sophisticated for far longer than current archaeology will admit. There may be lost technologies at play, ancient knowledge by people who didn't have hydrocarbons and electronics to get things done.

The worst part is the current state of archaeology won't consider anything but progressivist worldviews that everything we have is as advanced as it ever was. Anything that doesn't fit that is dustbinned and ignored. Frankly it has has retarded advancement in the discipline, and I'm not sure it's sophisticated enough anyway to recognize what's right in front of it's face.


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