State Chapters > California

Iconic Venice Beach boardwalk continues to be occupied by homeless groups


Iconic Venice Beach boardwalk continues to be occupied by homeless groups during spiraling crisis

By Marjorie Hernandez and
Matthew Sedacca   
July 15, 2023

Authorities in California have ceded prime real estate on the Venice Beach boardwalk to a rotating cast of vagrants — a microcosm of the insanity plaguing the Golden State amid its spiraling homeless crisis.

For weeks, a vagrant surrounded himself beneath a pagoda along with boardwalk with a dump of grimy grocery carts, tarps and blankets, galling footage posted online showed. He and a friend reportedly rejected aid from police, city workers and LA County Park Rangers — who threw up their hands and let the beachfront takeover persist.

As online outrage grew, Los Angeles cops finally cleared the beach bum this week, only to have a different hobo immediately take over the spot — and all but shut-out taxpaying residents or tourists from enjoying it.

“It’s like they are babysitting [the homeless population],” Reza Karimi, 60, owner of the sunglasses store Good See Co., and whose prime location on the boardwalk is just steps away from the hobo-filled pagodas, told The Post.

“Here I pay taxes, I work every day, but these people are given money for free and yet they still do whatever they want and ruin the city.”

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That's the only way you'll be able to start fixing the problem - stop voting for more of it.

So.....,the city owns the boardwalk and leases spaces to vendors?

Doesn't this mean they are obligated by both the  law and the rental contracts to provide safe and clean accommodations to both the public and the vendors who are paying money  to the city to have shops there?

Are there NO greedy lawyers left in Ca?

Smokin Joe:
So, it's not just:


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