State Chapters > California

CA Dems Block Bill That Would Make Human Trafficking of a Minor a Serious Felony

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PeteS in CA:

--- Quote ---Why the big shift in support? Even Sen. Scott Wiener, the Democrat who’s infamous for pushing legislation that would harm minor children, voted for it in the CA Senate. ...
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Besides the obvious, this is what is bizarre to me. There is little perversion that Scott Wiener has not tried, often with sickening success, to protect. This reversal of support has the definite foul stench of, "The "wrong" people oppose sex trafficking," and, "Because normal people hate sex trafficking."

California Democrats Block Bill To Lock Up Repeat Child Sex Traffickers: Prison Is Not the Answer

Susannah Luthi   
July 12, 2023

California Democrats on Tuesday killed a bipartisan bill to strengthen punishments for repeat traffickers of minors, continuing a years-long push to empty prisons.

The legislation, Senate Bill 14, would classify trafficking of children and teenagers younger than 18 years old as a serious felony on par with murder, arson, and rape, which would bring longer prison terms and potential life sentences without a chance for a plea bargain. The six Democrats on the Assembly Public Safety Committee abstained from voting on the bill, preventing its advance for a vote by the full chamber. Both Republicans voted yes.

"All [longer sentences] do is increase our investments in systems of harm and subjugation at the expense of the investments that the communities needed to not have this be a problem to begin with," said Democratic committee member Isaac Bryan during the hearing.

The Democrats' downvote came even as local leaders and anti-trafficking activists across California have warned that sex trafficking is surging since the state in January decriminalized loitering with the intent to commit prostitution in the name of transgender rights. The Public Safety Committee has killed a number of proposals this session meant to address rising crime—including a previous bill to sharpen penalties for sex trafficking. Progressive members of the panel have for years worked to ease punishments for criminals and reduce prison populations.



No, prisons are not the answer ... but woodchippers are.

PeteS in CA:

--- Quote from: DefiantMassRINO on July 13, 2023, 03:31:56 pm --- ////00000////

No, prisons are not the answer ... but woodchippers are.

--- End quote ---

Feet first, so genitals go inside before the heads.

Maybe there's another "explanation" for this, but I don't see how this insane move is unrelated to the popularity of "Sound of Freedom" and the people who starred in it and produced it. Jim Caviezel and Angel Studios are the very "wrong sort of people" to Progs , especially Hollyweird Progs and their lapdog Prog pols.

PeteS in CA:
CA Legislators Reverse Course on Child Trafficking Sentencing

--- Quote ---It does not happen often. In fact, it is probably more rare than the appearance of Halley’s Comet. Many people go their entire lives without witnessing such an event. But every once in a while Democrats admit when they’re wrong. You should be thankful such an occasion occurred in your lifetime. You can tell the grandkids about it.

After a disastrous move that gave people across the nation yet another reason to be irate at the Golden State, the California Assembly’s Public Safety Committee voted to move SB-14 out of committee. The bill makes the trafficking of minors a serious felony and under the state’s “three strikes” law would put convicted people in jail without the possibility of early release.

The Center Square noted that, originally, the all-Democrat committee had voted to halt the bill’s progress. Assembly Majority Leader Isaac Bryan of Los Angeles stated, “Longer sentences…increase our investment in systems of harm and subjugation at the expense of the investments that the communities need to not have this problem to begin with.” Bryan originally voted against the bill on July 12 and abstained from Thursday’s vote. The rationale was that harsher prison sentences do not deter crime.
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1. A jailed trafficker won't be trafficking kids while (s)he is in prison.

2. Some criminals do take risk of consequences into account in choosing their crimes and where they commit them. So this law would probably decrease sex trafficking in CA.

But you all already knew these common sense facts.


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