Author Topic: Historic rainfall prompts water rescues, Flash Flood Emergency in New York’s Lower Hudson Valley  (Read 1345 times)

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I hope all our Briefers in NY are ok.

Historic rainfall prompts water rescues, Flash Flood Emergency in New York’s Lower Hudson Valley

WEST POINT, N.Y. – Historic rainfall north of New York City triggered dozens of water rescues and led to roadways being washed out after more than half a foot of rain fell in only a few hours on Sunday.

The National Weather Service issued a Flash Flood Emergency for parts of Orange, Putnam, Rockland and Westchester categories due to the catastrophic flooding.

The agency received reports of water rescues in Highland Falls, Fort Montgomery, Cornwall, West Point and several other communities in the Lower Hudson Valley.

Photos and videos from around West Point and Highland Falls showed many vehicles stuck in the high water that was estimated to be several feet high...................
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Online Kamaji

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No problems here; except that the humidity is still with us.