State Chapters > California

California governor to stop fighting against parole for Manson follower

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A few weeks ago in a town near us, a guy who previously was convicted of a double murder - and served only 8 years of a life sentence - shot one of his neighbors and subsequently was killed by police. Thankfully, the woman he shot survived. That is a travesty, serving only 8 years of a life sentence, not serving 53 years of a life sentence like VanHouten has done.


--- Quote from: mountaineer on July 09, 2023, 01:44:11 am ---A few weeks ago in a town near us, a guy who previously was convicted of a double murder - and served only 8 years of a life sentence - shot one of his neighbors and subsequently was killed by police. Thankfully, the woman he shot survived. That is a travesty, serving only 8 years of a life sentence, not serving 53 years of a life sentence like VanHouten has done.

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--- Quote from: Fishrrman on July 08, 2023, 10:52:15 pm ---She should have been dead 53 years ago.

Failing that, she should have been required to literally rot in prison.

What is "a life sentence" supposed to mean?

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So you like wasting taxpayer money - your money - on expensive geriatric care for old prisoners.  Thanks.

Kamaji complains:
"So you like wasting taxpayer money - your money - on expensive geriatric care for old prisoners.  Thanks."

So... human lives -- and the wanton taking of same -- are now to be measured merely in taxpayer dollars?

Again, a "life sentence" means nothing if it doesn't mean confinement until death.

Although my preference would be a quick trial, one relatively quick appeal, followed by a quick execution.

The left has almost succeeded in abolishing the death penalty.
Next target: "life" sentences without parole.

They seem to already have gotten you convinced...


--- Quote from: Fishrrman on July 09, 2023, 02:36:06 pm ---Kamaji complains:
"So you like wasting taxpayer money - your money - on expensive geriatric care for old prisoners.  Thanks."

So... human lives -- and the wanton taking of same -- are now to be measured merely in taxpayer dollars?

Again, a "life sentence" means nothing if it doesn't mean confinement until death.

Although my preference would be a quick trial, one relatively quick appeal, followed by a quick execution.

The left has almost succeeded in abolishing the death penalty.
Next target: "life" sentences without parole.

They seem to already have gotten you convinced...

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Bullshit.  I don't give a tinker's damn about keeping some sick old man or woman locked up simply because it satisfies some insane sense of vengeance.

It's punishment enough if that person's life was spent in jail, and now they have nothing to look forward to other than dying in a few years.

So yeah, beyond that, once the race has been run and they are no longer a danger to anyone else, the big issue becomes how much it's gonna cost me to put up with the ego and wounded vanity of idiots like you.

There are very few who should remain locked up until they die from extreme old age; very few.

If you want to indulge your need to supplant God and His justice with your own personal sense of revenge, do it on your own damned dime, not mine.


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