Target caves to conservative pressure to stock Mark Levin's new book after saying title would offend some shoppersMark Levin, the BlazeTV host of "LevinTV," said that Target had reversed course after initially saying it would refuse to stock his new book because its title would be "offensive" to some shoppers.
Levin made the announcement on Thursday after criticizing Target for the partisan censorship the previous day.
"You folks are an immense force for free speech and market capitalism, and conservative authors and audiences everywhere will benefit from your patriotism," said Levin on Twitter.
"I could not be more proud of you — not only for how this specific case turned out, as there will undoubtedly be more of this — but because you’ve made it clear that you’ve had enough and will exercise your enormous power. The silent majority is silent no longer," he added. "God bless and I thank and salute you all."
On Wednesday, Levin called on his supporters to pre-order the book, entitled "The Democrat Party Hates America," in order to undermine the decision by the major retailer. ......................