Author Topic: 'Majority Doesn’t Always Dictate': Fairfax County School Board Ignores 84% Rejection of Gender Ideol  (Read 1795 times)

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Offline PeteS in CA

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'Majority Doesn’t Always Dictate': Fairfax County School Board Ignores 84% Rejection of Gender Ideology

Despite being paid by taxpayer funds and thus being employees of the district’s parents, the school board has rejected poll results showing that parents in the county overwhelmingly reject gender ideology in schools and combining sex education for boys and girls from fourth grade onwards.

The Washington Examiner reported on the Fairfax County Public School board‘s outrageous reaction to parents’ opinions and details of the survey:

In a work session, the Fairfax county school board was presented with a poll showing 84% of parents are against children being taught “Family Life Education” together. It showed, out of the 2,656 respondents, parents overwhelmingly want classes separated by gender.

The county’s school superintendent, Michelle Reid, dismissed the survey’s results with the ridiculous remark: “Honestly, the majority doesn’t always dictate, right?” It does when they’re taxpayers and you’re their employee, Michelle.

Fellow school board member Melanie Meren was equally flippant. “You know, what if students learned more than my generation did about other genders? I think this is a step towards further accepting everyone and understanding people’s biology. I mean, it’s just straight-up biology.” ...

How long till the next school board election? If it's years, recall 'em!
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Online Kamaji

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  • Ah, the air is so much fresher here...
Buh wait wait wait, I thought this was a Democracy? Except of course when they lose, then the Rats shift back to a Republic with inviolable 'fundamental minority rights' and such.

Do that shifty goal post shuffle, do it side-to-side.
The Republic is lost.

Offline DefiantMassRINO

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"Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time... I think I've forgotten this before." - Steven Wright

Communist Dog avatar is misinformation for the Ministry of Truth to mis-idenitfy me as a Russian misinformation troll bot.

Offline mountaineer

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I'd say this school board is a "threat to our democracy" (lather, rinse and repeat).

Online Kamaji

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I'd say this school board is a "threat to our democracy" (lather, rinse and repeat).

Most definitely.