Author Topic: Feds point to Supreme Court to reject DeSantis immigration policies in Florida  (Read 1210 times)

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Feds point to Supreme Court to reject DeSantis immigration policies in Florida

Armed with a new U.S. Supreme Court opinion, the Biden administration this week argued that an appeals court should reject a Florida legal challenge to federal immigration policies.

U.S. Department of Justice attorneys Wednesday filed a 41-page brief that focused, in part, on a June 23 Supreme Court decision that tossed out a challenge by Texas and Louisiana to immigration policies. The Supreme Court said Texas and Louisiana did not have legal standing — a key initial test that must be met in lawsuits.

Wednesday’s brief said the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals should similarly find that Florida does not have standing to challenge policies that Gov. Ron DeSantis and state Attorney General Ashley Moody contend have led to migrants improperly being released from detention.

“In United States v. Texas, the Supreme Court held that two states lacked standing to challenge DHS’s (the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s) immigration enforcement policies because they lacked ‘a legally and judicially cognizable’ injury where their alleged injury were costs associated with having more noncitizens in their states. Florida similarly fails to satisfy the ‘bedrock constitutional requirement’ of standing,” the brief said.......................
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Offline DefiantMassRINO

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There's financial harm done by municipalities, counties, and states having to provide services, many of which are mandated by Federal law.

Municipalities, counties, and states should start tracking the immigration status of their services consumers ... not to deny illegal immigrants access, but to accumulate data the quantifies the harm done to states by Federal immigration system, and use that to provide them standing in court lawsuits.

We have a Federalist immigration system where the Federal Government regulates admission, but those persons are released to local jurisdiction for healthcare, shelter, food, and education.  Some end up in jail or prison, which is another source of financial harm.


Surely, Florida could place a lien against the White House until they were 100% re-imbursed for their expenses.
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