Author Topic: Florida Gov DeSantis announces crackdown on out-of-state illegal immigrant driver licenses  (Read 1540 times)

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Florida Gov DeSantis announces crackdown on out-of-state illegal immigrant driver licenses

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday announced that the state will no longer recognize a number of out-of-state driver licenses that are given to illegal immigrants, enacting restrictions in legislation passed earlier this year.

DeSantis, who is also running for president in 2024, announced that the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles has published a list of out-of-state license classes that are now invalid in Florida.

That list targets certain licenses given to illegal immigrants in Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Rhode Island and Vermont. It does not apply to typical driver licenses, but those with certain limitations -- including those that state they are "not for federal identification" are not REAL ID compliant or that are dubbed "limited purpose."

The states targeted are those that allow those in the country illegally to obtain a form of ID and license to drive..........
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