Author Topic: Apple’s New ‘Mixed-Reality’ Headset Is Designed To Isolate And Control You  (Read 1287 times)

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Online Kamaji

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Apple’s New ‘Mixed-Reality’ Headset Is Designed To Isolate And Control You

Apple envisions solitary men and women sitting alone in the darkened rooms of empty houses, their faces hidden behind shining black masks.

JUNE 07, 2023

This week Apple unveiled the next big thing in tech: Vision Pro, a $3,500 headset that heralds the “era of spatial computing … where digital content blends seamlessly with your physical space.”

This isn’t quite the same as virtual reality, which blocks out the real world and swaps in a virtual one. Vision Pro is basically a set of digital goggles that work as a “mixed-reality” platform, allowing users to see and hear the physical world even as they interact and manipulate digital content in front of them.

Apple is putting all its clout into this idea of “spatial computing,” which the company has been reportedly working on for years. Announcing the new product, chief executive Tim Cook compared it to the way the iPhone introduced the concept of mobile computing. “It’s the first product you look through, and not at,” he said. “You can see, hear, and act with digital content just like it’s in your physical space. You’re no longer limited by a display.”

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Apple calls it “the most advanced personal electronics device ever,” which is true in more ways than one, especially the “personal” aspect. Put bluntly, Vision Pro appears to be nothing so much as an incredibly powerful isolation device — a means of immersing yourself in a sea of digital content in a way that physically cuts you off from other people and the real world.

That is to say, Vision Pro is precisely the kind of technology that will exponentially increase the isolation and misery of everyone who uses it. It’s been obvious for years now that the proliferation of digital tech is creating a populace that’s addicted to smartphones, porn, and social media — and doing so in a social environment of ever-increasing isolation, anxiety, depression, deracination, and collapsing community. Whatever benefits there are to digital tech, it’s not at all clear they outweigh the heavy human costs.

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Offline DefiantMassRINO

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All sides want us to be enveloped by the mixed reality they are trying to sell us.  They don't want us to think for ourselves.

Independent-minded self-sufficient individuals are a threat because they are less controllable by whatever cabal of elites is recruiting them for their virtual militia.
"Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time... I think I've forgotten this before." - Steven Wright

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