State Chapters > Arizona

Exclusive: Arizona Republican Kari Lake Floats Possible U.S. Senate Run

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--- Quote from: HikerGuy83 on May 25, 2024, 02:30:16 am ---She settled down after her primary victory in 2022. 

But she never let go of Trump and the whole stolen election narrative.  And she's since gone bats**t crazy with it.

She pulls that garbage with DeWitt......

And Viola !!!!  Here you go. 

Her only supporters are the hardcore leftovers from 2022.

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Was this a seat that could have gone GOP with anyone but Lake?


--- Quote from: LMAO on May 26, 2024, 01:53:45 am ---Was this a seat that could have gone GOP with anyone but Lake?

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Not just anyone.

Martha McSally

Blake Masters

Would not win.

If the GOP could produce a descent candidate....they would win.

I can't figure out why we can find a descent candidate.


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--- Quote from: Bigun on June 07, 2024, 02:03:28 pm ---
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She's only 8 points behind Gallego.

Why not throw a Hail Mary. 

It's what she's hung her hat on.

The reality.........

This senate seat is going to go to Ruben Gallego.  A miserable left wing asswipe.  And he's not just going to beat her.  Right now, it looks like he's going to mop the floor with her.

Stolen or not, the reaction to our elections by Republicans has been a disaster.


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