Author Topic: You rob my house, I shoot you in the face.  (Read 301 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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You rob my house, I shoot you in the face.
« on: June 25, 2023, 12:46:54 pm »
Breitbart 6/24/2023

Officers responding to a burglary call in Amarillo, Texas, arrived at the scene and found the body of a 53-year-old alleged home intruder.

Police arrived and found the body of 53-year-old Cedric Milligan, whom they believe was trying to force his way into the back door of the home when the female homeowner opened fire.

Texas is one of many states with “Castle Doctrine” laws which allow homeowners to use deadly force in self-defense in their residence without any duty to first attempt to retreat.

There was an effort to add a duty to retreat to the state’s Castle Doctrine in December 2020, but Gov. Greg Abbot (R) shot it down: “Let me be clear. The Castle Doctrine will not be reduced. We won’t force Texas homeowners to retreat. Especially with the crazy ‘defund police’ ideas, homeowners need to protect themselves now more than ever,” he asserted. “We will protect 2nd Amendment rights.”
