Author Topic: 1 dead, 20 shot during Juneteenth celebration in Chicago suburb: 'It was chaos'  (Read 1917 times)

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Chicago is similar to a war zone these days.  So sad that a city in the U.S. is so violent.

1 dead, 20 shot during Juneteenth celebration in Chicago suburb: 'It was chaos'

One person is dead and at least 20 people were shot during a Juneteenth celebration in a Chicago suburb, according to authorities.

The mass shooting occurred at a strip mall hosting a large Juneteenth party in Willowbrook, Illinois.

Battalion Chief Joe Ostrander with the Tri-State Fire Protection District said around 12:30 a.m., gunfire rang out at a strip mall on Route 83 near Honeysuckle Rose Lane, about 20 miles southwest of Chicago.

There were reportedly "at least 200 teens and young adults" gathered in a parking lot for a Juneteenth celebration when as many as 30 shots were fired.

Witness Markeshia Avery told WLS-TV, "It was supposed to be like a Juneteenth celebration. We just started hearing shooting, so we dropped down until they stopped."

"We were all just out, and, next thing you know shots just kept going off; everybody ran, and it was chaos," witness Craig Lotcie said.........................
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