Portland opens felon-operated homeless village, neighborhood residents report issues of theft, fights and open drug dealing
Most of our team have served life sentences in prison. They’ve spent 20+ years in a confined environment where their survival depends on their ability to read people in unpredictable situations."
Ari Hoffman
Seattle WA
Jun 13, 2023
Neighbors are calling out the convicted felon managers of a new Portland homeless village for being the epicenter of crime in the neighborhood.
Only weeks after the city cleared out a massive homeless encampment and opened the new Safe Rest Village, housing 67 people who were formerly living in tents along the Peninsula Crossing Trail, residents told KATU that the situation has not improved.
George Siebert, who has lived in his University Park home for 42 years, told the outlet, "Life is pretty miserable because we live in a kind of anxiety. We are on the edge every time somebody walks by."
During the interview, next to Siebert’s front steps, “a man on a bicycle rode past, flipped the middle finger, and yelled a profanity.” Siebert said he has seen worse, including drug use on his property, theft of his water, and fighting on the way to or from the Safe Rest Village. "Every time there is a commotion, we jump to the windows. We're looking at our cars to see if they're not getting broken into."