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Anti-cop ice cream chain sues Seattle over 'significant losses' from BLM autonomous zone they promot


Anti-cop ice cream chain sues Seattle over 'significant losses' from BLM autonomous zone they promoted

“This lawsuit does not seek to undermine CHOP participants’ message or present a counter message.”
Ari Hoffman
Seattle WA
Jun 9, 2023
Molly Moon’s Homemade Ice Cream, which previously gave the cold shoulder to police officers, is suing the City of Seattle for losses it alleges resulted from the decision by officials in the summer of 2020 to abandon the Police Department’s East Precinct in response to the George Floyd riots which led to the creation of a “government-authorized invasion," the deadly anti-police Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), later renamed the Capitol Hill Occupied protest (CHOP).

According to the federal lawsuit filed in the US District Court for the Western District of Washington on Wednesday, the chain claimed that its constitutional rights were “overrun” when officials decided to “abandon” the 6-square block area of Capitol Hill to BLM and Antifa rioters. Molly Moon’s is accusing the city of supporting and encouraging “a hostile occupation of that neighborhood.”
“This lawsuit does not seek to undermine CHOP participants’ message or present a counter message,” the lawsuit stated. “Rather, this lawsuit is about the plaintiff’s constitutional and other legal rights, of which were overrun by the City of Seattle’s decision to abandon and close off an entire city neighborhood, leaving it unchecked by the police, unserved by fire and emergency health services, and inaccessible to the public at large, and then materially support and encourage a hostile occupation of that neighborhood. The City’s decision subjected businesses, employees, and residents of that neighborhood to extensive property damage, public safety dangers, and an inability to use and access their properties.”


F**king idiots.  Their suit should be dismissed for contributory fault.

If you want to end  progressive nonsense, apply the progressive nonsense to the progressives themselves

Progressives support the implementation of their belief system as long as they’re exempted from the results


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