General Category > Elections 2024
DeSantis attack ad uses fake AI images of Trump embracing Fauci
--- Quote from: LMAO on June 08, 2023, 06:02:23 pm ---I’m not talking about that and you know that
I’m talking about your hypocrisy of you coming online here and demanding other posters answer for a photo that had no context, and asking posters
if buying alcohol for underage girls is the “new conservative value”
I can easily provide the thread if you need a reminder
Now you’re having a meltdown over a fake picture of Donald Trump. Even if the picture is real, so what? A picture doesn’t always tell a story.
Two Trump hypocrites exposed in one day… Damn I’m good
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--- Quote from: libertybele on June 08, 2023, 06:02:53 pm ---IF indeed this is true, it was a very bad move on DeSantis' part.
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It’s stupid and it’s childish. We have a whole host of problems facing this country and if that’s all these two can do then maybe neither one of them should go to the White House.
--- Quote from: LMAO on June 08, 2023, 06:06:11 pm ---It’s stupid and it’s childish. We have a whole host of problems facing this country and if that’s all these two can do then maybe neither one of them should go to the White House.
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Ron should have just published his own super hero limited edition collector card series.
--- Quote from: LMAO on June 08, 2023, 06:06:11 pm ---It’s stupid and it’s childish. We have a whole host of problems facing this country and if that’s all these two can do then maybe neither one of them should go to the White House.
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Agreed. I hope that he and his team will swear off that sort of stupidity in the future. Has anyone communicated as much with the campaign?
--- Quote from: LMAO on June 08, 2023, 06:06:11 pm ---It’s stupid and it’s childish. We have a whole host of problems facing this country and if that’s all these two can do then maybe neither one of them should go to the White House.
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I agree. This back and forth crappola is a waste of time when the focus should be on how to oust the Dems from the WH, the economy, making us energy independent again, Russia, China, N. Korea, etc.., etc.
If DeSantis is going to resort to the same childish mudslinging as Trump, he will quickly lose my vote.
Scott, Haley, Christie, Pence, Hutchison will all benefit.
Both Trump and DeSantis need to stop because the establishment will make a push for Pence.
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