General Category > Crime And Punishment

7 shot outside a high school graduation ceremony in Richmond, Virginia, and 2 people are in custody,

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--- Quote from: Gefn on June 07, 2023, 01:56:01 am ---Just got an alert 2 people died

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Well now saying it was a nineteen y/o male who did the shooting and that he knew someone there... I am gonna go right out and predict it was gang related...  and just like the shooting in Alabama, will soon be forgotten.


--- Quote from: Gefn on June 07, 2023, 01:56:01 am ---Just got an alert 2 people died

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From the link:

"When do we say enough is enough? When do we say that?" she asked. "How many more people have to die before we say you're going to jail. We're going to lock you up and there's not going to be any bail so that we can have safety in our communities. When does that happen? Who is in charge? Is that the mayor? Is that the chief? Who is that? Let's start naming names."

I bet the shooting was done by summa those evil krackas,mad and jealous cause  they can't play BBall and can't jump!

Sumbodie call de Rev-Rund Al!


--- Quote from: Sighlass on June 07, 2023, 02:06:32 am ---Well now saying it was a nineteen y/o male who did the shooting and that he knew someone there... I am gonna go right out and predict it was gang related...  and just like the shooting in Alabama, will soon be forgotten.

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