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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #225 on: June 08, 2023, 07:09:28 pm »


It takes someone who can build a team - build a coalition with others who may not entirely agree with one - in order to get things done.

That's right. Historically, Libertarians tended to align with Republicans, when there were enough Republican conservatives to align with and protect much of the Libertarian's agenda.

Not so much anymore. And that shows the calcification of the Republicans.

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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #226 on: June 08, 2023, 07:15:50 pm »
So are the few that stand in their way, @Bigun . It is not monolithic. You have to remember that the lion's share of em are wishy-washy with a finger in the air at all times. That means they can be lead by the nose. All it takes is for a rebellion to rise (which it has in the Freedom Caucus and a handful of senators) and with key people in place, the herd can be moved in the direction desired...

And they are currently being led by the likes of Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Kevin McCarthy, and Nancy Pelosi @roamer_1 even that idiot John Roberts is in on the act.

The ONLY ray of sunshine I've seen in my short 75 years has been Donald J. Trump, who flushed them ALL out of hiding. I'll be voting for him if and when I get the chance and the more BS they conjure up to throw at him the more likely my vote becomes.
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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #227 on: June 08, 2023, 07:55:13 pm »
And they are currently being led by the likes of Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Kevin McCarthy, and Nancy Pelosi @roamer_1 even that idiot John Roberts is in on the act.

The ONLY ray of sunshine I've seen in my short 75 years has been Donald J. Trump, who flushed them ALL out of hiding. I'll be voting for him if and when I get the chance and the more BS they conjure up to throw at him the more likely my vote becomes.

I don't see that he flushed out anything, @Bigun ...All of the people you mention were all already well known jackals in Conservative circles.

The only sunshine I have seen is Reagan, the 94 Congress, and the TEA party. I don't see how all of Tumpy's caterwauling has amounted to a row of pins.

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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #228 on: June 08, 2023, 08:00:31 pm »
I don't see that he flushed out anything, @Bigun ...All of the people you mention were all already well known jackals in Conservative circles.

The only sunshine I have seen is Reagan, the 94 Congress, and the TEA party. I don't see how all of Tumpy's caterwauling has amounted to a row of pins.

Then we are decidedly in disagreement @roamer_1 I was, and still remain, a TEA guy through and through but McConnell and company have tamped that down quite effectively. And the more I see of Newt the more I realize that HIS was a scam as well.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #229 on: June 08, 2023, 08:17:13 pm »
Then we are decidedly in disagreement @roamer_1 I was, and still remain, a TEA guy through and through but McConnell and company have tamped that down quite effectively. And the more I see of Newt the more I realize that HIS was a scam as well.

If Tumpy represents what the TEA Party has degenerated into - The biggest, most expensive administration in history - Then I will have no part of it anymore, and owe it no allegiance... I'm Taxed Enough Already. Happily, at least in my region, that is not the case. None of the regional TEA Partiers I am in touch with support Tump.

So far, I'll be happy to hang my hat on DeSantis, @Bigun ... Who came in on the TEA Party, helped to establish the Freedom Caucus, and has a stellar record since. That's some good bones.

As for Gingrich, I don't think it was a scam... I think he meant it at the time. They (94 Congress) certainly fulfilled it, almost every tick in that Contract with America. I think his time in Washington has tainted him as he went.

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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #230 on: June 08, 2023, 08:40:56 pm »
After all the things Trump has said and done the Magadonians are outraged over this DeSantis ad....amazing.

Well, as one of maybe three self-proclaimed Magadonians in Briefer City, please, permit me to try and explain this outrage, FWIW.  @mystery-ak

Below is a sampling of what the Trump campaign routinely does.  Please notice what ithe Trump campaign does not do --- because this is the root of the outrage.

. Exposed the RDS voting records using Congressional records

. Exposed the true RDS Covid record supported by RDS government account tweets, RDS video announcement/updates and news reporting video

. Reminded voters Trump saved the political career of RDS in 2018 supported by rally videos, news reports, political polling, RDS campaign ad and gratitude videos

  Reminded voters how supportive RDS has been of President Trump, the man as well as his policies, using RDS tweets from his government account, videos of RDS news interviews and speeches at conferences and rallies

  Included AI generated photos to intentionally lie to the American public and further the distortion and disinformation in a campaign release claiming moral superiority.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2023, 08:46:54 pm by Right_in_Virginia »

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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #231 on: June 08, 2023, 08:59:26 pm »
Well, as one of maybe three self-proclaimed Magadonians in Briefer City, please, permit me to try and explain this outrage, FWIW.  @mystery-ak

Below is a sampling of what the Trump campaign routinely does.  Please notice what ithe Trump campaign does not do --- because this is the root of the outrage.

. Exposed the RDS voting records using Congressional records

. Exposed the true RDS Covid record supported by RDS government account tweets, RDS video announcement/updates and news reporting video

. Reminded voters Trump saved the political career of RDS in 2018 supported by rally videos, news reports, political polling, RDS campaign ad and gratitude videos

  Reminded voters how supportive RDS has been of President Trump, the man as well as his policies, using RDS tweets from his government account, videos of RDS news interviews and speeches at conferences and rallies

  Included AI generated photos to intentionally lie to the American public and further the distortion and disinformation in a campaign release claiming moral superiority.

WOW...impressive posting skills using your bullet points.
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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #232 on: June 08, 2023, 10:24:41 pm »
As far as I can tell, your logic here would apply to anyone who didn't serve in the combat arms.  So supply people, mechanics, drivers, many comm people, etc. etc. etc. really didn't serve at all, and shouldn't even be considered veterans.  Are you sure you want to make that argument?

@Maj. Bill Martin

I have heard of,an even know of a few people with clerical or similar skills that VOLUNTEERED to serve as grunts,and did good jobs.

I have even heard of a few support personnel that were more or less drafted in to an infantry role when the camps where they were working ended up  being over ran by the enemy,and they had no choice but to take up  arms. This is why EVERYBODY that enlisted or was drafted was sent to basic training. It gave them a  reference to what they MIGHT be forced by circumstances to do.

One name  that pops  to  mind  is LTC (retired) Robert Howard,who  was  a supply sgt that volunteered to  tag alone with  a combat mission,and was so good at it he never went back to support  missions until he was put in for  a Medal of Honor for the THIRD TIME IN LESS THAN  A YEAR. That was when  the  Col make him the Recon Company  1st Sgt and ordered him to never go on any more insertions into enemy territory.

In addition to  being one of THE  nicest people you  could ever hope to meet  IF YOU  DID YOUR DUTY,he was NOT someone who played well  with  slackers. If he told you to pack you bleep and wait for the next airplane out,you needed to do your best to avoid him until that plane had landed at the airport.

But,like I said,if you did  your duty to the  best of your ability,you were "golden" with Bob,and could call him by his first name.

I even knew a few 0-2' and 0-3's that agreed to be the radio operators and carry the radio so they would be accepted on a recon team commanded by a NCO. They did it without bitching,and did it until  they gained enough experience to be the Team Leader on their own Recon Team.

I also had a friend named Roy Benevidez that was assigned to FOB 3 in the south,and I THINK he was serving in supply because of his age,the fact that he had already served and been wounded on two previous combat tours,and the fact that he had more recently broken his back on a parachute jump that went bad,and the army had tried to force him into retirement  because of it. He refused mandatory retirement,and was reported by the other patients to slip out of his bed at night,crawl to the door so he could pull himself  upright,and then try to walk,using the other patients beds as something to grab on to.

The army gave up and left him on  active duty,so when he got healthy enough,he volunteered for another tour in VN and for SOG duty. The people there knew of his physical history,so IIRC,they assigned him to supply.

He was walking back to his hootch from prayer services one Sunday when he walked by the radio shack and herd the emergency radio call from a recon team lead by one of his best friends,so he grabbed a medics kit bag,ran to the helicopter,and jumped on unarmed,other than the Bowie Knife that he wore every day.

By  the end of the day he had been shot a few times and stabbed with a bayonet from a NVA AK as he was the last man to climb on the chopper to fly out. His last act on the ground was to kill that NVA with his Bowie Knife,and then he passed out from loss of blood. One of the door gunners jumped out of the helo (I SINCERLY hope he got a BIG "he man hero  badge" for THAT one!) and loaded an unconscious Ben on the helicopter. When they got back to the launch site,the doc on call there unzipped the body bag they had loaded Ben into  and declared  "This man is dead. There is nothing that can be done for him",so Ben spit a wad of blood in the docs face to let him know that he WAS alive. His MOH award is a VERY interesting read if that sort of thing interests you,and given your screen name,I suspect it does.

In normal times,Roy was one of the nicest and most soft-spoken man you could ever hope to meet.

HOWEVER,I never knew or even heard of an Legal Affairs officer being anywhere near a fire fight. They were glorified clerks with officers rank,and they had a specialized job that required a specialized education that was rare in the military.

And just to clarify what DeSantis did overseas, he was the senior legal advisor attached to the Commander, Special  Operations Forces - West, who was SEAL Team 3 Commander, Navy Capt. Dane Thorleifson.   They were based in Fallujah, so its not like he was riding a desk from the safety of the Pentagon.  Here's what his CO had to say about him:

Being in Fallujah in 2007 meant that even if he wasn't a trigger-puller, he likely at least heard bullets/mortars frequently, and of course there was always the risk of IED's for everyone deployed in country.

In other words,he could have been serving in South Central LA.

If they assigned as prosecutors, then yes.  Although I think we could agree that there are plenty of ordinary crimes committed in the military where the guys deserve to be punished.  But DeSantis was never a prosecutor, though he did do some defense for accused sailors.

I was under the impression they were all either prosecutors  or defense lawyers. Is this not true?

I was lucky enough to have  served under some VERY understanding commanding  officers,so I never really got involved in the army legal scene.

Other than being in Iraq, his other main military duty as a lawyer was in Gitmo, where the left accused him of covering up abuse committed by American troops against the terrorist prisoners.  They hate him for serving in Gitmo:

No combat at GITMO,either.

BTW,I want to make  it VERY clear that I am NOT demeaning military vets that are or were non-combatants. Not everybody was needed for combat assignments,and not everybody was emotionally OR physically suited for combat duty. I do NOT hold it against anyone that served and never served in a combat role. We all had to be somewhere.

Unless,of course,they were MP's,who to this very  day I consider to be the scum of the earth.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2023, 10:51:25 pm by sneakypete »
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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #233 on: June 08, 2023, 10:54:19 pm »
Trump can string together interim appointments until he gets the Senate he needs in the 2026 midterms, if he has to. 

I am so looking forward to Trump unleashed!



Assuming of course that ANYONE who runs as a Republican for the Office of President at any time in the future can be elected.

Or even allowed to run.
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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #234 on: June 08, 2023, 10:57:36 pm »
LOL! I said his record (not his records) was Conservative, all the way along.

Moving the goalpost. Your original claim was that there was no record of accomplishment prior to DeSantis' role as governor. I was just asserting that there is plenty of record before that time, and that record is Conservative... He didn't, at any given time, decide to become a Republican, and Don Republican plumage, suddenly hawking sweet nothings to the Republican rank and file, opposite of what he was before... Changing his spots, as it were, as some may have done.  :whistle:

He's been what he is, all the way along - And his actions today are predictable because of it... Which is why the record is important.

And there is not a hint of desperation in that. In fact, it may as well be my only determining tool of decision. I will push the pot on who and what he is, because his record plainly declares it.

So is his record as a Congressman and founding member of the Freedom Caucus. On the surface at least, his record is exemplary. He is a man of honor, of good character, accomplished and unafraid. He's a team builder, well organized, with proven leadership skills... And he is well backed, not only with money, but with an organization that has already proven effective - The TEA Party.

Bullcrap. There is nothing more predictable than the record, and the record shows him to be exceptional, despite your nonsensical charge of backstabbing. He will not change from what he is. And his record is what hedges that bet.

Your ignorance of the Christian religion, and of Yeshua is profound and ongoing. In fact, the establishment of this Republic owes much of its existence to the precepts found in the Bible.

And what happens to your GUESS when a Republican is indeed elected?

Communism has always been globalist... Is nearly always fascist... Though its control in the west is tenuous at best and losing ground because of people like DeSantis and the Freedom Caucus. Real and lasting change by way of real law.


Is your real name "Tinkerbell"?
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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #235 on: June 08, 2023, 11:01:32 pm »
BTW,I want to make  it VERY clear that I am NOT demeaning military vets that are or were non-combatants. Not everybody was needed for combat assignments,and not everybody was emotionally OR physically suited for combat duty. I do NOT hold it against anyone that served and never served in a combat role. We all had to be somewhere.

Unless,of course,they were MP's,who to this very  day I consider to be the scum of the earth.


Good to know since my son was an MP in Basra prison although he did volunteer for night reconnaissance missions breaking my cardinal rule of never volunteering in the Army...of course he didn't tell me at the time.

photo taken with night vision camera
« Last Edit: June 08, 2023, 11:02:36 pm by mystery-ak »
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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #236 on: June 08, 2023, 11:14:10 pm »

Good to know since my son was an MP in Basra prison although he did volunteer for night reconnaissance missions breaking my cardinal rule of never volunteering in the Army...of course he didn't tell me at the time.

photo taken with night vision camera

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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #237 on: June 09, 2023, 12:56:32 am »

Is your real name "Tinkerbell"?

LOL! Is that all you've got?

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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #238 on: June 09, 2023, 01:27:47 am »
Good to know since my son was an MP in Basra prison

Thank your son for us @mystery-ak , for his service.


To my knowledge, the Conservative Coalition recognizes the prerequisite immovable principles of Defense and Foreign Policy Conservatives...

Among them, foremost for Defense, that the candidate has taken the oath. That he has lived what he will soon be commanding. Soldiers prefer commanders who have come up through the ranks, and this is as close as can be defined in a civilian administration.

Added to that, serious service - and the way I have been told, in-theater service is a step up (more attractive) than 'simple' service. GHWB had trouble in that, because his Air Guard service was kinda acceptable, but barely... He would have garnered far more credz having served in-theater, even if 'only' a Air Guard capacity.

As an attribute toward electability, I just don't see how a lawyer, functioning as a lawyer, could get any better credz than those spent serving the military in-theater, at a forward base (secure or not), as a legal eagle for SF Command... Despite @sneakypete 's denigration thereof.

If I should discount this exemplary service (it certainly appears to be to me), against the immovable principle thing for Defense Conservatives - That he should have taken the oath - Then enlighten me.

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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #239 on: June 09, 2023, 01:51:32 am »

WOW...impressive posting skills using your bullet points.

But not so impressive bullshit.  If looking for 'truth' you won't find it in those bullet points.
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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #240 on: June 09, 2023, 02:37:54 am »
But not so impressive bullshit.  If looking for 'truth' you won't find it in those bullet points.
She was being sarcastic.

But not sarcastic enough for RiV to get the zot. Of course, I'm well aware that's not how myst runs things around here. So that's her prerogative.
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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #241 on: September 14, 2023, 01:14:44 pm »
Trump, in an interview with Megyn Kelly, says he doesn't know who gave Fauci the presidential commendation:

Megyn: "But he [DeSantis] didn't listen to Fauci."
Trump: "He shut down Florida."
Megyn: "For a month."

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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #243 on: September 15, 2023, 10:20:33 pm »
How dare you hold Trump accountable for what he said !
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #244 on: September 15, 2023, 10:26:43 pm »

Good find.  All this time, I was mistaken.  I thought that Trump left it up to the states -- perhaps Trump was quickly reminded that it truly wasn't up to him.
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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #245 on: September 15, 2023, 10:33:06 pm »
   It changed week to week during the first 6 months, depending on who had the rudderless ships ear that day.
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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #246 on: September 15, 2023, 10:43:38 pm »
Good find.  All this time, I was mistaken.  I thought that Trump left it up to the states -- perhaps Trump was quickly reminded that it truly wasn't up to him.

The feds CERTAINLY shut down the ports and controlled shipping on interstates. That alone dang near shut it off.

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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #247 on: September 16, 2023, 12:00:15 am »
DeSantis went after Fauci while the left throughout the US was referring to him as "DeathSantis."

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Re: BRUTAL DeSantis campaign ad rips Trump for not firing Fauci
« Reply #248 on: September 16, 2023, 02:06:57 am »
DeSantis went after Fauci while the left throughout the US was referring to him as "DeathSantis." 

And_He_WON.  :beer: :seeya: