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Transgender inmate to be transferred to women's facility, get surgery after lawsuit


 June 4, 2023 11:46am EDT
Transgender inmate to be transferred to women's facility, get surgery after lawsuit
Christina Lusk sued Minnesota DOC last year in part for deferring a vaginoplasty
By Jon Brown | Fox News

A Minnesota transgender inmate is being moved to a women's prison and will receive a vaginoplasty as well as $495,000 to settle a discrimination lawsuit against the state Department of Corrections.

Christina Lusk, 57, will be transferred to the women's facility in Shakopee next week, which will mark the first time a Minnesota inmate is moved to a different prison based on gender identity, according to local affiliate FOX 9.

As part of the settlement announced last week, the Minnesota DOC agreed to provide Lusk with a vaginoplasty as well as strengthen its policies regarding transgender inmates.

Lusk, who was arrested in 2018 and is serving a sentence until 2024 for a felony drug offense, sued the Minnesota DOC last year in part because it deferred Lusk's request for a vaginoplasty, or "bottom surgery."

After beginning cross-sex hormones in 2009, Lusk changed names in 2018 and was conferring with doctors about surgical options before getting arrested. The inmate had undergone "top surgery" before going to jail, and was "on the verge of scheduling" a vaginoplasty, according to the lawsuit.

Lusk filed a grievance with the DOC after department medical director James Amsterdam reviewed Lusk's case and determined that Lusk should not be allowed to receive genital surgery while incarcerated, but "could pursue that after release," the lawsuit said.



More than 70% of transgender prisoners in British jails are serving sentences for sex offenses and violent crimes, government figures have revealed. But let's put them in close quarters with female prisoners, what the heck.

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EXCLUSIVE: Female Inmate Forced to Bunk with Masturbating Transgender Prisoner Who Raped Daughter, Messages Claim
Mary Margaret Olohan
 February 26, 2024
Daily Signal
--- Quote ---Katelyn McGraw is currently incarcerated in Taycheedah Correctional Institution in Kenosha, Wisconsin, serving a sentence for possession of narcotic drugs and bail jumping. She’s been at Taycheedah since the end of summer 2023, records show, and her fiancee says that she’ll soon be sent to a minimum security prison.

Recently she began sending distressed messages to her fiancee, Raymond Slater II, describing a transgender prisoner named “Mark Campbell” with whom she shares both a cell and a bunkbed. McGraw expressed extreme anxiety as she described her cellmate’s constant masturbating, sexual comments, and aggressive behavior, and she asked her fiancee to find out what exactly got Campbell locked up.  ...

Her concerned fiancee quickly turned to the internet to discover who this prisoner was. To his horror, he stumbled upon The Daily Signal’s reporting from September 2023, a report that revealed Campbell to be a man who now identifies as a woman, who raped his own daughter, and is a registered sex offender convicted of first-degree sexual assault of a child.

Since Campbell identifies as transgender, the Wisconsin Department of Corrections has housed him in a women’s prison, Taycheedah Correctional Institution, since August 2022.  ...

Of the 161 biological men who are housed in Wisconsin Department of Corrections facilities who self-reported as transgender, 81 (50.3%) have been convicted of at least one count of sexual assault or sexual abuse as of late July. The prisoners may have been convicted of additional offenses for their current incarceration periods that are not sex offenses, the Wisconsin Department of Corrections noted. ...
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