General Category > Elections 2024

Trump: ‘I Did Something that Nobody Thought Was Possible — I Got Rid of Roe v. Wade’

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--- Quote from: Fishrrman on June 02, 2023, 10:09:14 pm ---Roe v. Wade/Dobbs was small potatoes in view of the decision that's coming later this month:
I believe it's called "Students for Fairness in Education v. University of North Carolina".

If it goes as I think it's going to go, it's going to completely outlaw affirmative action in education.
It may go even further and outlaw AA altogether everywhere.

Whichever, the decision will have far more importance for the future than did Dobbs (and I'm not discounting the significance of Dobbs).

Just sayin'...

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--- Quote from: jmyrlefuller on June 02, 2023, 11:23:23 pm --- And ensures that fewer innocent children are even conceived as women have turned against us single men under 40.

Is it worth it?

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Actually, there are indications that is turning around. Late Millenials and GenZers are looking for more traditional relationships.


--- Quote from: roamer_1 on June 02, 2023, 11:39:06 pm ---Actually, there are indications that is turning around. Late Millenials and GenZers are looking for more traditional relationships.

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Please send one of them my way, then. Unless, of course, by "traditional" they mean "I want the man to pay all my bills."

Maj. Bill Martin:

--- Quote from: Weird Tolkienish Figure on June 02, 2023, 05:29:20 pm ---Actually I'm kinda on Trump's side with this one. He can claim credit for this. Without Trump we'd have a majority liberal court.

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I think we'd have gotten the exact same thing with just about any other Republican.

That being said, I voted for him in 2016 solely because of the Supreme Court because I thought Democrats would otherwise overturn Citizens United and Heller.  So he did come through on that.


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