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On this day in history, June 1, 1967, Beatles release standout 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Ban


On this day in history, June 1, 1967, Beatles release standout 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' album

Album is still considered by many the greatest record of all time

By Erica Lamberg | Fox News

On this day in history, June 1, 1967, the Beatles released "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band," their eighth album — which became the soundtrack to the "Summer of Love," according to the official website of the Beatles.

With its 13 songs, the album was recorded in over 400 hours during a 129-day period, according to The Beatles Story, Liverpool, a museum in Liverpool, England, that shares the history of the band.

On a return flight to London in November 1966, Paul McCartney thought of the idea for this album, the same site indicated.

"Unable to sleep, he toyed with the idea of creating a new identity for the band, to allow them to experiment, with each Beatle taking on an alter-ego in the ‘Lonely Hearts Club Band,'" the same source says.

"During the flight, a conversation about the ‘S’ and ‘P’ markings on the salt and pepper sachets occurred between Paul and Mal Evans, the Beatles’ road manager, and sparked the idea for the title ‘Sgt. Pepper.’"


Regardless of whose idea it was,it was a VERY good idea!


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