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Sorry, CBS News Philly, Landfalling Hurricanes Are Not Increasing


Sorry, CBS News Philly, Landfalling Hurricanes Are Not Increasing
By Linnea Lueken -May 31, 20230

A CBS News Philidelphia segment on hurricanes claims that climate change will cause increase in hurricanes making landfall on the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. This claim is unsubstantiated and undermined by the available evidence. Rather than citing data or the science provided by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, CBS anchor David Schechter cites model projections for his claims. The past few decades of warming have yielded no increase in hurricane landfalls, quite the opposite.

Aside from claiming climate change will make landfalling hurricanes more frequent on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, Schechter also claims that scientists are “certain” that hurricanes are getting stronger.

Warming ocean temperatures are pointed to as the main cause of alleged stronger hurricanes, but sea temperatures are only one factor in driving hurricane formation and strength. Another major factor is wind shear. Many hurricane researchers predict that global warming will likely increase wind shear, which will inhibit the formation of hurricanes and cause them to dissipate or become disorganized faster, despite an increase in water temperature.

I watched a video on one of the weather channels about the coming hurricane season and the 'meteorologist' weather person stated factually that there would be an increase over last year...because the projections called for one more, hardly what  I would call conclusive.


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