General Category > Second Amendment

Robber Armed With A Knife Paid The Ultimate Price When He Attacked A 65-Year Old Concealed Carrier

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--- Quote ---The confrontation ultimately resulted in the suspect being fatally shot, according to authorities.
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I bet he never tries that again.


--- Quote from: Hoodat on June 01, 2023, 04:15:56 am ---I bet he never tries that again.

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And this, my friends, is why we carry.


--- Quote from: Hoodat on June 01, 2023, 04:15:56 am ---I bet he never tries that again.

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But he will still vote in perpetuity....

The shooter may be charged criminally.
--- Quote ---A 65-year-old man faces charges of carrying an unlicensed handgun after he allegedly shot and killed a man who was trying to mug him in Queens this week.

Charles Foehner is being charged with second-degree criminal possession of a weapon and criminal possession of a firearm, but Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz hasn't decided whether to charge him with the actual killing as prosecutors weigh whether or not he was justified in using deadly force.

"This is a complicated case and we're going to review the evidence," Katz said Wednesday. "We just went to the crime scene. I will have comments for you after we investigate it." ...
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WINS radio via MSN


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