Author Topic: Furry fury as convention goes 18+ in reaction to DeSantis law: 'Heartbreaking'  (Read 1757 times)

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Offline libertybele

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Well movie theaters have 'ratings' preventing younger people from attending certain movies, I don't see this as much different.

Furry fury as convention goes 18+ in reaction to DeSantis law: 'Heartbreaking'

An upcoming "furry" convention in Florida will restrict its attendees to adults over 18 in response to Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis' law prohibiting children from attending "adult live entertainment."

Megaplex, an Orlando-based convention dedicated to "people who enjoy dressing up as or making art of anthropomorphized creatures," originally released a statement regarding their decision on Wednesday.

"Many have raised concerns about recent changes in Florida legislation. After reviewing Florida SB 1438 it has been decided that for legal reasons and protection of our attendees, our venue, and the overall convention, Megaplex 2023 attendees must be 18 years of age at the time of registration pickup," the statement read.

The Protection of Children Act (SB 1438) specifically prohibits a person from "knowingly admitting a child to an adult live performance." An adult live performance is defined as "any show, exhibition, or other presentation in front of a live audience which, in whole or in part, depicts or simulates nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or specific sexual activities." ................
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Online Hoodat

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Their unwillingness to police their own convention will result in lower attendance for their convention.  It is purely their business decision based on cost analysis.
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Online Cyber Liberty

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Their unwillingness to police their own convention will result in lower attendance for their convention.  It is purely their business decision based on cost analysis.

And somebody in that community realizing cancelling events because they can't permit children, makes them look even more like they are recruiting our kids.
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I will NOT comply.
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Online Kamaji

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And somebody in that community realizing cancelling events because they can't permit children, makes them look even more like they are recruiting our kids.


Online mountaineer

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Is this an acknowledgment by furries that they're perverts?
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Online Kamaji

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Is this an acknowledgment by furries that they're perverts?

Yes.  If they weren't engaged in sexual conduct at their convention, there would be no need to be concerned about the new Florida law.

Offline Free Vulcan

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Dickson interviewed the founders of Moms of Furries, one of whom said it was "'heartbreaking' to think of young furries not having a space to connect" due to the convention's new age restriction.

Heartbreaking? How exactly do you drama queen not being able to sexualize kids?

Like a rapist blaming the woman because she doesn't want to be raped.
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Online Kamaji

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There's a simple solution:  make sure there is no sexualized content or conduct at the convention; just like every other convention has to comply with.

Offline PeteS in CA

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Ummmmm ... OK, if the event organizer has to age-restrict registration, what does that say about the activities that will happen in the "convention"? More plainly, it obviously is not just cosplay like at a Star Trek or Comic-Con or ______ reenacter convention.
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Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Online Kamaji

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Ummmmm ... OK, if the event organizer has to age-restrict registration, what does that say about the activities that will happen in the "convention"? More plainly, it obviously is not just cosplay like at a Star Trek or Comic-Con or ______ reenacter convention.
