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Feds hid JFK film that could prove ‘grassy knoll’ conspiracy: lawsuit

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Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: DefiantMassRINO on May 30, 2023, 05:55:52 pm ---My money is on Carlos Marcello, New Orleans organized crime boss.

Robert Kennedy had him deported to Guatemala, though he was born in Tunisia to Sicillian immigrant parents, who later immigrated to the United States.  Deportation to Guatemala was a blatant personal insult.

An old school Sicillian boss would not suffer lightly embarassment and insult at the hands of an Irish-American US Attorney General.  He would have a very personal and professional reason to kill JFK to get Bob Kennedy out of DOJ.

--- End quote ---
My money is on the Banksters. We'd been borrowing money at interest from the Federal Reserve cartel, and Kennedy had issued direct debt in the form of United States' Notes. No interest, a note on the full faith and credit of the United States, and not payable in silver like the Silver Certificates.   If that had kept up, think of the interest on the national debt that would not have been collected ($475 billion in FY 2022 alone).
It would have also put a damper on the willingness to issue debt, to keep inflation under control.

Added to the M.I.C. desire to keep the money flowing, especially after years of feeding at the war trough worldwide and in Korea, Kennedy's plan to withdraw from SE Asia likely won him no buddies there--because, ultimately, the banksters rake it in during a war (war  debt), and the M.I.C. makes bank.


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