Author Topic: A Missouri nun's body seems intact 4 years after she was buried. Pilgrims are flocking to her remain  (Read 350 times)

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A Missouri nun's body seems intact 4 years after she was buried. Pilgrims are flocking to her remains and calling it a 'miracle.'

The recently exhumed body of a Missouri nun is attracting the influx of hundreds of pilgrims after the corpse was remarkably discovered intact after four years with no signs of decomposition.

Some have described the revelation of the preserved remains of Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster as a "miracle in Missouri."

Lancaster, the founder of the Benedictine Sisters of Mary, Queen of Apostles, died in 2019, aged 95. Her body was not embalmed and was buried in a wooden coffin in Gower, Missouri, the Catholic News Agency reported.

Last week — four years after Lancaster's death — the Benedictine Sisters decided to unearth Lancaster's body to move her remains under the altar in their convent's chapel as is customary for founders, according to the Catholic News Agency.

The sisters were reportedly stunned when they opened the coffin, which even had a crack down the middle..................
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