Author Topic: ‘All-Out Assault’: Things Are About To Bust Wide Open Between Trump, DeSantis  (Read 1619 times)

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‘All-Out Assault’: Things Are About To Bust Wide Open Between Trump, DeSantis

Diana Glebova
White House Correspondent
May 23, 2023 9:20 PM ET

The Trump campaign plans to unleash an “all-out assault” following Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Wednesday announcement, while Team DeSantis plans to go all 10 rounds, associates close to both of the GOP contenders told the Daily Caller.

On the same day that Trump associates told the Daily Caller that they intended to “rip” DeSantis’ “head off,” an associate friendly with DeSantis’ campaign said he planned to do the “rope-a-dope,” a boxing term in which you allow your opponent to throw so many punches, he tires himself out.

Things will certainly bust open in many ways following DeSantis‘ official entry into the GOP primary. Trump will go on a full scale attack, and DeSantis, for his part, would be able to raise money and make statements more openly.

DeSantis is likely to continue holding back and taking his shots more carefully though, associates say.

“Trump is a slugger. He likes to throw haymakers. DeSantis is more strategic. He’s more of a boxer. He’s more of a 15 round guy,” Bill Mitchell, an independent talk show host friendly with the DeSantis campaign, told the Caller.

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Online Kamaji

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Here we go - Trump is preparing to do the democrats' dirty work for them.

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Here we go - Trump is preparing to do the democrats' dirty work for them.

Usually in the Republican primary, the Republican candidates try to “out right” each other, but then go more moderate for the general

It’s  becoming clear that Donald Trump is going to attack, not just DeSantis,  but the other GOP candidates from the left
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Online Kamaji

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Usually in the Republican primary, the Republican candidates try to “out right” each other, but then go more moderate for the general

It’s  becoming clear that Donald Trump is going to attack, not just DeSantis,  but the other GOP candidates from the left

In other words, he's doing the left's dirty work for them.

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In other words, he's doing the left's dirty work for them.

I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

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The best way for DeSantis to handle Orange McBlowhard is to keep a smile on his face, tout his accomplishments, stay on the subject of policy and express an occasional bit of pity for Trump, who can’t properly articulate actual policy issues.  Continue to stay above the two-bit sniping and the orange menace will kill his own campaign with unforced errors.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2023, 02:46:23 pm by ScottinVA »

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‘All-Out Assault’: Things Are About To Bust Wide Open Between Trump, DeSantis

Diana Glebova
White House Correspondent
May 23, 2023 9:20 PM ET

The Trump campaign plans to unleash an “all-out assault” following Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Wednesday announcement, while Team DeSantis plans to go all 10 rounds, associates close to both of the GOP contenders told the Daily Caller.

On the same day that Trump associates told the Daily Caller that they intended to “rip” DeSantis’ “head off,” an associate friendly with DeSantis’ campaign said he planned to do the “rope-a-dope,” a boxing term in which you allow your opponent to throw so many punches, he tires himself out.

Things will certainly bust open in many ways following DeSantis‘ official entry into the GOP primary. Trump will go on a full scale attack, and DeSantis, for his part, would be able to raise money and make statements more openly.

DeSantis is likely to continue holding back and taking his shots more carefully though, associates say.

“Trump is a slugger. He likes to throw haymakers. DeSantis is more strategic. He’s more of a boxer. He’s more of a 15 round guy,” Bill Mitchell, an independent talk show host friendly with the DeSantis campaign, told the Caller.

As though there aren't enough, this will cause MORE people to dislike Trump and will make him TOTALLY UNELECTABLE, if that were even possible.  The people that dislike him will dislike him even more. 

Online Maj. Bill Martin

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The best way for DeSantis to handle Orange McBlowhard is to keep a smile on his face, tout his accomplishments, stay on the subject of policy and express an occasional bit of pity for Trump, who can’t properly articulate actual policy issues.  Continue to stay above the two-bit sniping and the orange menace will kill his own campaign with unforced errors.

I like that.  A few condescending asides at his age wouldn't hurt either.

"Look, the guy is what, nearly 80?  I'm not going to get upset about an old guy like that yelling stuff anymore.  But he and Biden are good examples of why it is time for the next generation."

That kind of thing will infuriate Trump.

Online Kamaji

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The best way for DeSantis to handle Orange McBlowhard is to keep a smile on his face, tout his accomplishments, stay on the subject of policy and express an occasional bit of pity for Trump, who can’t properly articulate actual policy issues.  Continue to stay above the two-bit sniping and the orange menace will kill his own campaign with unforced errors.

:thumbsup:  :thumbsup:

Online Maj. Bill Martin

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‘All-Out Assault’: Things Are About To Bust Wide Open Between Trump, DeSantis

Diana Glebova
White House Correspondent
May 23, 2023 9:20 PM ET

The Trump campaign plans to unleash an “all-out assault” following Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Wednesday announcement, while Team DeSantis plans to go all 10 rounds, associates close to both of the GOP contenders told the Daily Caller.

On the same day that Trump associates told the Daily Caller that they intended to “rip” DeSantis’ “head off...."

And then he and his supporters will blame DeSantis for being so divisive.

Offline DefiantMassRINO

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Let's see what DeSantis is made of.  Trump will test his mettle.

If the GOP nominee can't defeat Trump, he won't defeat Biden.


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Online Kamaji

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And then he and his supporters will blame DeSantis for being so divisive.

No doubt.

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The best way for DeSantis to handle Orange McBlowhard is to keep a smile on his face, tout his accomplishments, stay on the subject of policy and express an occasional bit of pity for Trump, who can’t properly articulate actual policy issues.  Continue to stay above the two-bit sniping and the orange menace will kill his own campaign with unforced errors.
DeSantis should just take a page from Reagan Maximus.

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I like that.  A few condescending asides at his age wouldn't hurt either.

"Look, the guy is what, nearly 80?  I'm not going to get upset about an old guy like that yelling stuff anymore.  But he and Biden are good examples of why it is time for the next generation."

That kind of thing will infuriate Trump.

IMHO the best thing DeSantis can do is not take personal swipes at Trump.  He should stick to going after him on policy. It's not going to be easy.  Fiscal policy he was a failure, but he had us energy independent and renegotiated trade deals.

Chance are Trump will focus on going after DeSantis personally and that is going to sink him.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2023, 04:33:30 pm by libertybele »
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Online Maj. Bill Martin

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IMHO the best thing DeSantis can do is not take personal swipes at Trump.  Stick to going after him on policy.

Trump is a classic populist.  He's going to push policies and actions that he thinks will resonate most with voters, regardless of whether or not they can be implemented, or the long-term consequences.  To beat Trump, you have to show that he is a lot of hot air who doesn't follow through on the things he promises, and it is impossible to do that without getting personal to some extent.  He has to be nailed for his "I only hire the best people" argument.  He has to be called out for being too much of a coward to stand up to Fauci.  And if age is a legitimate issue for an 80 year old Joe Biden, then its a legit issue for a guy who will be 78 when he takes office.  Especially for younger people.

I agree on not going after him for his affairs, etc..  But if the stuff about the classified documents comes up, it is perfectly appropriate for DeSantis to point out 1) it does look like Trump is being unfairly targeted based on the information we have right now, but also 2) this entire thing could and should have been avoided had Trump simply done things ahead of time in writing, which would have been easy as hell.  He handed that issue to the Democrats on a silver platter, and they of course used it.  And he does deserve blame for being that dumb.

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I prefer Desantis for many, many reasons, but lets be honest, he has an uphill battle.

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I prefer Desantis for many, many reasons, but lets be honest, he has an uphill battle.
One thing Trump has going for him is hi ability to connect with people.  His rallies are massive.  He has the ability to just talk to his audience off the cuff on just about anything.  DeSantis just doesn't have that ability, at least from what I've seen. 

Don't get me wrong, DeSantis would definitely make the better president, but like you said, he has an uphill battle.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Online Maj. Bill Martin

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One thing Trump has going for him is hi ability to connect with people.  His rallies are massive.  He has the ability to just talk to his audience off the cuff on just about anything.  DeSantis just doesn't have that ability, at least from what I've seen. 

Don't get me wrong, DeSantis would definitely make the better president, but like you said, he has an uphill battle.

That's fair.  And a lot of people will vote for the person they find "most relatable" without regard to the issues, or competency, or anything else that might taint the image of their smooth talker.

Nothing we can do about that other that stick to our guns and vote for the candidate we see as the best choice.

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One thing Trump has going for him is hi ability to connect with people.  His rallies are massive.  He has the ability to just talk to his audience off the cuff on just about anything.  DeSantis just doesn't have that ability, at least from what I've seen. 

Don't get me wrong, DeSantis would definitely make the better president, but like you said, he has an uphill battle.

To which DeSantis should reply:  Do you want the guy who only talks the talk, or do you want the guy who walks the walk?

Trump's term was mostly all talk, very little walk.  So far, DeSantis has been the guy doing the walking in Florida.

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John Cardillo

Took me a while to see this. The cold hard truth is that Trump isn’t fighter. It’s an act.
He’s a big mouth who trusts his opponents, takes punches, whines and cries about getting punched, then reactively flails around begging for donations.
They’ve beat him at every turn.

2:51 PM · May 24, 2023
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To which DeSantis should reply:  Do you want the guy who only talks the talk, or do you want the guy who walks the walk?

Trump's term was mostly all talk, very little walk.  So far, DeSantis has been the guy doing the walking in Florida.

Yup.  Gotta show him to be the empty suit he really is.  Call him out squarely on all the stuff he promised but didn't deliver.

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What worries me is the fact that so many people vote based on personality...not issues. And so many of the issues that DeSantis stands for are an anathema to many voters. But conversely, Trump hasn't endeared himself to a large swath of the voters either.

I don't see a rosy outlook. But I've been surprised and wrong in my life before.

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Here we go - Trump is preparing to do the democrats' dirty work for them.


What,and take that job away from DeSantis?
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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What,and take that job away from DeSantis?

Yeah, whatever.  So, DeSantis is doing the dems' dirty work against himself?  That makes zero sense.

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This is just stupid.

I expect a heck of a lot more maturity of a former president/presidential candidate.
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