Author Topic: Dem activist fresh from spring break in Florida goes further than NAACP: 'Terrorist state'  (Read 703 times)

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May 23, 2023 10:33am EDT
Dem activist fresh from spring break in Florida goes further than NAACP: 'Terrorist state'
Aisha Mills says the NAACP advisory against Florida highlights the US problem with 'bigotry and bias'
By Michael Lee | Fox News

   A Democratic activist visited Florida for spring break despite praising the NAACP's travel advisory against the state.

"I really appreciate the NAACP's guidance on this issue," activist Aisha C. Mills said during an interview with MSNBC Monday. " I just took my family to spring break in Florida, and I think about all the folks who travel there for sun and joy and peace and restoration and to be reminded that actually this is getting to the point where Florida is about to be a terrorist state to many of us here in America, certainly as a lesbian, as a Black woman, I don’t want to have anything to do with the place"

The comments come after the NAACP formal advisory on its website about Florida, arguing the state is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals."

"Before traveling to Florida, please understand that the state of Florida devalues and marginalizes the contributions of, and the challenges faced by African Americans and other communities of color," the advisory reads.

While Mills disregarded the advisory to vacation in the state, the ominous warning from the NAACP also comes as its chairman, Leon W. Russell, resides in the Tampa Bay area.

Nevertheless, the NAACP argues that the advisory was "in direct response to Governor Ron DeSantis' aggressive attempts to erase Black history and to restrict diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in Florida schools."

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Dear black lesbian left-wing political activist:  Florida really doesn't want you coming over anyways.

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Nevertheless, the NAACP argues that the advisory was "in direct response to Governor Ron DeSantis' aggressive attempts to erase Black history and to restrict diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in Florida schools."

I see this as dangerous considering that BLM and Antifa have no restraints.  The NAACP has stirred the racist pot with their lies.  A spring breaker calling this a terrorist state?  Nothing like the NAACP feeding an already strained situation.
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