Author Topic: Miami Mayor Suarez: I Will Announce Presidential Run Decision ‘Soon’  (Read 243 times)

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Miami Mayor Suarez: I Will Announce Presidential Run Decision ‘Soon’

Pam Key 21 May 2023

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez (R) said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that he will make a final decision on running for the Republican presidential nomination “soon.”

Partial transcript as follows:

    MARGARET BRENNAN: So, Sir, when will you announce you’re running for President?

    MAYOR SUAREZ: Well, it- it’s got to be soon. Because the first debate is August 20th. I’m someone who needs to be better known by this country. And so I think the Republican Party has said, that there’s going to be a debate a month from August, all the way through January 8th, which is the Iowa Caucus. So you have to take every opportunity to share your story, to share your vision, and to try to inspire the American people to choose what you’re trying to- to offer them. So I think it would have to be soon, in order to make the debate stage, there’s a couple of criteria that you have to follow. One of them is- is, you have to be at least 1% in the polls, which I think shouldn’t be a problem. And secondly, you have to have 40,000, unique, individual contributions. And that takes a little bit of time. So the- the clock is ticking. It’s a soul searching process with my family. And every single day we talk about it, my wife and I, and we’re getting much, much closer to making a final decision.

    BRENNAN: That sounds like the only word you’re not saying is yes, but you’re leaning in pretty heavily there.
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Offline GtHawk

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Just what we need another "WHO?" mayor running for president, the dems had Pothole Pete and now looks like the republicans will have Suarez, I wonder what derogatory names and lies Trump will come up with for him :pondering:

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  • That is the problem with everything. They try and make it better without realizing the old is fine.
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This guy is a major douche canoe from Miami.  He hates DeSantis and still can't figure out how his majority Hispanic city went whole breakfast Taco's for Ron in the Gov Election. 

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