Author Topic: Biden administration bucks eco groups again, advances massive gas pipeline  (Read 496 times)

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Offline libertybele

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Interesting -- Brandon bucking eco groups?  Likely that they know that there's no way this will win in court. Brandon is all about going green ... this is nothing but a bunch of nothing.  Joe Manchin on the other hand I can see is hoping this finally goes through.

Biden administration bucks eco groups again, advances massive gas pipeline

The Biden administration issued a key approval Thursday evening for a 303½-mile West Virginia-to-Virginia natural gas pipeline project that environmental groups argued would have disastrous impacts.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) published a record of decision approving a 30-year right-of-way permit and a temporary use permit for the Mountain Valley Pipeline, allowing the project to proceed on a 3½-mile stretch of the Jefferson National Forest along the West Virginia-Virginia border. In a separate decision earlier this week, the U.S. Forest Service said the pipeline could be constructed in the federal forest.

"The Bureau of Land Management issued a record of decision for the Mountain Valley Pipeline," BLM spokesperson Kristen Peters said in a statement. "The BLM is moving forward with the next step, processing the revised right-of-way application for the project."

Mitchell Leverette, director of BLM's Eastern States region, and Deputy Interior Secretary Tommy Beaudreau both signed the record of decision Thursday.

The determination clears the way to finish the billion-dollar project that is 94% complete but has been mired in a lengthy permitting process for years. Overall, the pipeline would transport about 2 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas from West Virginia to consumers in the Mid- and South Atlantic.

Before construction can be completed, the project must receive authorization from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which manages a 60-foot stretch of a West Virginia trail the pipeline would need to cross. And a federal court struck down a permit issued by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection in April, requiring the agency to issue a revised permit.

In addition, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's recent permitting decision in favor of the pipeline is being challenged in federal court. Environmental groups are also poised to challenge the BLM and Forest Service permits, potentially delaying construction further.
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Joes getting nervous about how badly he wants to screw America conflict, and how badly he wants to get elected.  How many clueless can Joe depend on at election con time combined with election fraud?  Joe needs a massive get out the fools votes campaign.
 :smokin: :whistle: :smokin:
« Last Edit: May 21, 2023, 12:30:20 am by christian »
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Even if the pipeline isn't litigated into oblivion, Brandon and the Gaia worshiping one world order bleep are banning natural gas stoves appliances and generation wherever/whenever they can so what's the point, to get it to a port terminal to be shipped to other countries?

Offline libertybele

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Even if the pipeline isn't litigated into oblivion, Brandon and the Gaia worshiping one world order bleep are banning natural gas stoves appliances and generation wherever/whenever they can so what's the point, to get it to a port terminal to be shipped to other countries?

That's a possibility.  The Keystone pipeline needs to be opened back up.  Let's Go Bradon.  FJB!!!
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Offline Hoodat

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That's a possibility.  The Keystone pipeline needs to be opened back up.  Let's Go Bradon.  FJB!!!

Canada may be done with Keystone.  A pipeline that they had agreed to build and pay for themselves.  After the last debacle, I believe they changed their mind.
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Offline libertybele

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Canada may be done with Keystone.  A pipeline that they had agreed to build and pay for themselves.  After the last debacle, I believe they changed their mind.

You are likely correct.
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Offline Timber Rattler

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Joe Manchin's pet project...Biden trying to get him off his back.
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Meanwhile, leftists in Michigan are STILL TRYING to shut down the "Line 5" pipeline...

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Just like Obama, he's gonna cave until the election, then go all out.

Offline Smokin Joe

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That's a possibility.  The Keystone pipeline needs to be opened back up.  Let's Go Bradon.  FJB!!!
Maybe to take the load off of the windmills when things aren't going well. Still a fair amount of gas turbine generation out there.

The Keystone XL was halted well before it could be completed (8-9% of the pipe had been laid), and after delays by the Obamites and Crooked Joe's day one EO shutdown, I wonder if it ever will be completed. If it were restarted, without more lawsuit/permit delays (which end up funding environmental groups that sue). Consider, however that right of way had been sorted out, material deliveries set up, pumping stations were being constructed, and about $1.5 Billion invested at the time of Biden's EO.

WIth the current political climate, it may never be finished.

TC Energy, the outfit that was building the pipeline has sued the government under NAFTA rules for 15 Billion in damages. That may not succeed, because TC Energy formally cancelled the project after the EO.
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C S Lewis