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World’s most expensive ice cream costs $6,696 per scoop


World’s most expensive ice cream costs $6,696 per scoop

By Emily Lefroy
May 18, 2023

It’s the crème de la ice cream.

A Japanese ice cream company has gathered some of the rarest and most luxurious ingredients and turned them into the world’s most expensive ice cream — priced at a whopping $6,696 per serving.

Japanese brand Cellato achieved the most expensive ice cream on the planet, with Guinness World Records  announcing their record-breaking dairy win for the flavor called “Byakuya.”

The pricey sweet treat is made out of white truffle grown in Alba, Italy, a rare delicacy that costs about $6,905 per pound.

The distinguished dessert also includes Parmigiano Reggiano and sake lees (or sake kasu), a by-product of Japanese sake production that is, indeed, alcoholic (8%).

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Ice cream is my kryptonite but expensive for me is Hagen Daz or other ice cream like that.


--- Quote from: Gefn on May 19, 2023, 02:35:46 pm ---Ice cream is my kryptonite but expensive for me is Hagen Daz or other ice cream like that.

--- End quote ---

Yup.  Haagen Dazs is the limit for me in terms of luxury ice cream, too.


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